Auto-starting in Solaris 10 environments

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Solaris 10 uses SMF (Service Management Facility) for creating and managing services.  To enable JSCAPE MFT Gateway as a service perform the following.


1.As root user, create a user and group named mftgateway.
2.As root user, run the command usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,net_privaddr mftgateway to grant mftgateway user permissions to run services on ports less than 1024.
3.As mftgateway user, run installer for Solaris as described in Installing on Solaris.
4.Open the sample SMF manifest file gateway_smf.xml found in the JSCAPE MFT Gateway installation directory using vi or other text editor.
5.Change references to /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Gateway with the absolute path of JSCAPE MFT Gateway installation directory.
6.As root user, validate SMF manifest file using svccfg validate gateway_smf.xml command.
7.As root user, import SMF manifest file using svccfg import gateway_smf.xml command.
8.As root user, enable service using svcadm enable svc:/application/mftgateway:default command.
9.Check that service was started successfully and not in maintenance using svcs -x mftgateway:default command.
10.Verify that JSCAPE MFT Gateway Service is running using netstat -na | grep 20881 command.


See also


For more information on creating services using SMF please see the following links:



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