Running FTCL scripts from within Ant

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Apache Ant is a Java based build tool that is used for automating software builds. File Transfer Command Line may be used with the Ant build tool to automate file transfer tasks. The following instructions demonstrate how to use FTCL in Ant.


1. Add the following FTCL task definition tag at the top your Ant build file.


<taskdef name="ftcl" classname="com.jscape.ftcl.FileTransferAgentTask" classpath="C:\secureftpfactory\lib\sftp.jar"/>


The classpath attribute must point to the sftp.jar file distributed with Secure FTP Factory.


2. Add the FTCL task to the appropriate location in your Ant build file.


<ftcl scriptfile="c:\tmp\script.txt"/>


The scriptfile attribute should point to the script file to be run by FTCL.

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