Version history

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Version 7.6

Sep. 12, 2012


Enhancement: Added file count to In Progress and Successful tabs in progress monitor.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with no error being reported when trying to create an S3 bucket with a non-unique name.

Bug Fix: Resolved progress bar issue experienced when uploading a large number of small files.


Version 7.5

Aug. 13, 2012


Improvement: Added ability to automatically re-establish session connections that time-out due to inactivity.

Improvement: Added progress indicator for possible long running actions such as creating ZIP archives, deleting directories and establishing connections over slow networks.

Improvement: Several enhancements to progress window used in tracking file transfers.

Improvement: Performance and protocol updates for AFTP protocol.

Improvement: Added ability to set the applet font name, font style and font size with a single string parameter.

Improvement: Dialog pop-up now take assume the color of the main applet window resulting in a consistent appearance.

New Feature: Added ability to disable MLSD directory listings.

New Feature: Added ability to give preference to IPv4 stack for the JVM.

Change: Renamed product to AnyClient Enterprise.

Change: Updated minimum Java requirement to 1.6.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with progress bar being initiated for a file transfer even though user declined to overwrite existing file.


Version 7.4

May 26, 2012


Improvement : Improved consistency when cancelling and resuming transfers.

Improvement : Ability to handle multiple transfers.

Improvement : Ability to handle downloads and uploads concurrently.

New Feature : Ability to decrypt PGP encrypted files upon a file download.

New Feature : Ability to show a password prompt preventing storing passwords in xml files or params.txt

New Feature : Introduced compression for the AFTP protocol.

New Feature : Ability to store & read site settings from a remote URL.

New Feature : Applet can now show the full GUI menu as used by AnyClient.

Bug Fix : Fixed excessive use of threads by Amazon S3 protocol.

Bug Fix : Fixed GUI corruption in Connection Panel when switching between various protocols.

Bug Fix : Fixed excessive use of JVM heap space, now only a minimal amount of RAM is consumed.

Bug Fix : Fixed issue with resizing of GUI components when applet is resized.


Version 7.1

Jan 16, 2012


Improvement : Distribute connection panel GUI into basic and advanced panels.

Improvement : Statistics on the transfer panel are now only displayed when a transfer begins.

Improvement : Improved GUI rendering for Motif Java theme.

Improvement : All modal dialogs will now appear relative to the main window. (properly centered on the parent window)

Improvement : File uploads are now managed by the GUI as one unit of work providing better progress bar feedback.

New Feature : Implemented subystemReplyNeeded parameter for SFTP servers requiring a subystem response

New Feature : Implemented preserveUploadTimestamps parameter for FTP/FTPS file uploads.

New Feature : Implemented preserveDownloadTimestamps parameter for FTP/FTPS file downloads.

New Feature : Implemented useTempExtensionWithResume parameter to use tempExtension when resuming file uploads.

New Feature : Implemented ability to resume a cancelled transfer

Bug Fix : Fixed issue when FTP command channel is lost after a large file transfer.

Bug Fix : Fixed issue with high memory and CPU consumption.

Bug Fix : Fixed issue with resuming SFTP transfers.



Version 7.0

Sept 26, 2011


Enhancement : Added support for Amazon S3.

Enhancement : Added support for native Java JRE themes.

Enhancement : Added statistics column to transfer window.

Enhancement : Added clipboard support to Connection Panel.

Enhancement : Added showFileTransferPane variable to control the visibility of the debug area.

Enhancement : Added expandAllProgressDialogs variable to automatically show progress dialogs.

Enhancement : Added protocols variable to control which transfer protocols to display.

Enhancement : Added showS3Options variable to control whether the S3 options panel is to be shown.

Enhancement : Added enableS3ServerSideEncryption variable to control whether S3 server side encryption is to performed.

Bug Fix : Fixed issue with Connection Panel sizing and control visibility.

Bug Fix : Fixed issue with reading UTF-8 characters from language file.

Bug Fix : Fixed issue with transfer events for canceled transfers.

Bug Fix : Fixed issue with proxy transfers.

Bug Fix : Fixed incorrect transfer of 'directory up' symbols.


Version 6.6

May 20, 2011


Enhancement : Added configurable GUI themes.

Enhancement : Added support for auto detection of Ipv6 addresses.

Enhancement : Added debugAreaHeight variable to control the height of debug message window.

Enhancement : Added paneBorderColor variable to control the color of rounded panels on the GUI.

Enhancement : Added transferMessageWindowWidth variable to control the width of the transfer window.

Enhancement : Added persistLocalDirValue to persist local dir value between connection sessions.

Enhancement : Added useEPSV to specify if EPSV command should be used.

Enhancement : Added useEPRT to specify if EPRT command should be used.

Enhancement : Added clearDebugAreaOnDisconnect to specify if EPRT command should be used.

Enhancement : Added showRemoteConnectionStatus to show connection status on the remote pane.

Enhancement : Added invertLocalFilter to negate the local filter regex expression.

Enhancement : Added invertLocalFilter to negate the remote filter regex expression.

Enhancement : Debug output of each file is captured separately in it's own transfer window.

Enhancement : Added right-click menus in debug area and transfer window.

Bug Fix : Resolved issue with repainting of the connection panel when control visibility is changed.



Version 6.5.3

Apr 12, 2011


Bug Fix : Correct parameter related to showing / hiding remote directory field on the connection panel.

Enhancement : Added connectionPreferredWidth parameter to control the width of the connection panel.


Version 6.5.2

Mar 21, 2011


Enhancement: Added support for AFTP (TCP & UDP) protocol support.

Enhancement: Added sftpReceiveBufferSize variable to control SFTP receive TCP buffer size.

Enhancement: Added sftpSendBufferSize variable to control SFTP send TCP buffer size.

Enhancement: Added sftpUploadBlockSize variable to control SFTP upload block size.

Enhancement: Added sftpDownloadBlockSize variable to control SFTP upload block size.

Enhancement: Added ftpTransferBlockSize variable to control FTP transfer block size.

Enhancement: Added webdavBlockTransferSize variable to control FTP transfer block size.

Enhancement: Added showAftpSecurityTypeOptions variable to show / hide Aftp security options.

Enhancement: Added enableAftpSecurityTypeOptions variable to enable / disable Aftp security options.

Enhancement: Added appletFontFamily variable to define applet wide font family.

Enhancement: Added appletFontStyle variable to define applet wide font style.

Enhancement: Added appletFontSize variable to define applet wide font size.

Enhancement: Added headerAlign variable to horizontally align header local & remote header labels.

Enhancement: Added valueAlign variable to horizontally align header local & remote values.

Enhancement: Added showUploadButton variable to hide / show file upload button.

Enhancement: Added showDownloadButton variable to hide / show file download button.

Enhancement: Added iconSize variable to control size of applet button icons.

Enhancement: Added yesButtonText to control dialog 'Yes' button text.

Enhancement: Added noButtonText to control dialog 'No' button text.

Enhancement: Added overwriteButtonText to control dialog 'overwrite all' button text.

Enhancement: Added completedDialogLbl to control file transfer completed dialog caption.

Enhancement: Added completedLbl to control file transfer completed dialog text.

Enhancement: Added Trusted-Library attribute to conform to Java 1.6 security requirements.

Enhancement: Added Documents to customize location of OS Documents folder.

Enhancement: Added Desktop to customize location of OS Desktop folder.

Enhancement: Added dateTimeFormat to customize the format of the file dates & times.

Bug Fix : Resolved issue with displaying incorrect date for FTP protocol.


Version 6.5.1

Dec 8, 2010


Enhancement: Added ability to overwrite all selected files when multiple files are selected.


Version 6.5

Nov 22, 2010


Enhancement: Added maxTransferThreads to enable multiple file uploads

Enhancement: Added enableRemoteDirectoryCache to enable/disable remote directory caching.

Enhancement: Added maxReconnectAttempts to automatically reconnect to the server incase of being disconnected.

Enhancement: Added reconnectAttemptInterval to set the time period between successive reconnect attempts.

Bug Fix : Fix issue with displaying user friendly remote directories.

Bug Fix : Fix issue with restricting remote directory to a specific value.


Version 6.4

Aug. 22, 2010


Enhancement: Added enableLocalBrowseButton to enable/disable local browse button.

Enhancement: Added enableRemoteBrowseButton to enable/disable remote browse button.

Enhancement: Added enableLocalCurrentWorkingDirectoryField to enable/disable local directory text field.

Enhancement: Added enableRemoteCurrentWorkingDirectoryField to enable/disable remote directory text field.

Enhancement: Added ability to overwrite local files.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with displaying large file sizes.

Bug Fix: Fixed GUI issues in Connect dialog.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with hiding/showing local hidden files.


Version 6.2

Jun. 8, 2010


Update: Changed localFilter and remoteFilter parameters to use a regular expression rather than file name extensions.

Update: Updated certificate for use in signing JAR file.


Version 6.1

Dec. 20, 2009


Bug Fix: Fixed issue with saving certificate and SFTP fingerprint information.


Version 6.0

Dec. 8, 2009


Bug Fix: Fixed issue with parsing directory listings on some UNIX FTP servers.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with resume uploads in some SFTP servers.


Version 5.7

Jul. 20, 2009


Enhancement: Added enableLocalRename to control whether rename functionality is available in local directory.

Enhancement: Added enableLocalDelete to control whether delete functionality is available in local directory.

Enhancement: Added enableLocalCreateDir to control whether create directory functionality is available in local directory.


Version 5.6

Jul. 3, 2009


Bug Fix: Fixed issue with SFTP client negotiation.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with loginErrorUrl parameter and WebDAV protocol


Version 5.5

Apr. 7, 2009


Bug Fix: Fixed issue with handling of symbolic links in SFTP protocol.


Version 5.4

Mar. 27, 2009


Enhancement: If autoConnect parameter is used and no user name is provided then the Connect dialog is displayed.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with escaping certain filenames when using WebDAV protocol.


Version 5.3

Feb. 9, 2009


Bug Fix: Fixed issue with parsing timestamps in some FTP directory listings.


Version 5.2

Oct. 8, 2008


Enhancement: Added showKeyFingerprintDialog option to enable/disable whether server key fingerprint dialog is displayed when connecting to SFTP servers.

Enhancement: Improved performance of FTPS directory transfers.

Change: Updated HTML and Java code to require Java Plugin 1.5 and above.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with connecting to SFTP servers where strong cipher was used and unlimited jurisdiction policy files were not installed.


Version 5.1

Aug. 4, 2008


Enhancement: Added showConnectLocalDir option to enable/disable whether Local directory field is displayed in Connect dialog.

Enhancement: Added showConnectRemoteDir option to enable/disable whether Remote directory field is displayed in Connect dialog.

Enhancement: Added showConnectDebug option to enable/disable whether Debug field is displayed in Connect dialog.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with caching SSH certificate fingerprint when connecting to SFTP server.

Bug Fix: Fixed compression issue experienced when using FTP protocol.


Version 5.0

Jun. 12, 2008


Enhancement: Modified verification certificate dialog for FTP/S and included the option to save the certificate information.

Enhancement: Modified Site Manager dialog to become more intuitive.

Update: Resigned applet with new code-signing certificate.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in FTP protocol where server returned an error in response to data transfer command and did not open data channel.


Version 4.9.0

Mar. 4, 2008


Enhancement: Added a host key verification dialog when user is trying to connect using SFTP protocol.

Enhancement: Modified Date column in Local Directory and Remote Directory to show date and time in the same column.


Version 4.8.0

Feb. 5, 2008


Enhancement: Added support for modal dialog in applet so that it always stays on top while file transfer is in progress.


Version 4.7

Dec. 31, 2007


Enhancement: Added debug field to connection properties.

Bug Fix: Fixed drive sorting issue in browse local dialog.

Bug Fix: Fixed background color issue in toolbar.


Version 4.6.0

Dec. 12, 2007


Enhancement: Added transferEncoding applet parameter to set encoding used for filenames.

Enhancement: Added useExtendedDirectoryListing parameter to force client to use LIST -a command instead of default LIST command.


Version 4.5.0

Nov. 30, 2007


Enhancement: Added abilty to connect using a private key with SFTP protocol.

Enhancement: Added ability to support additional ciphers with SFTP protocol.

Bug Fix: Fixed progress bar issue experienced with WebDAV protocol.

Bug Fix: Fixed random disconnect issue experienced when uploading large recursive directories using WebDAV protocol.


Version 4.4.0

Nov. 9, 2007


Enhancement: Added additional information to progress bar such as transfer speed, time elapsed and time remaining.

Enhancement: Improved performance of progress bar, especially for large number of small file transfers.


Version 4.3.0

Oct. 29, 2007


Enhancement: Added support for both HTTP and SOCKS5 proxy.

Enhancement: Added site manager for applet.

Enhancement: Added support for showing Mac OS X volumes as drives in applet.

Enhancement: Added abilty to specify local and remote directory listing table height.

Enhancement: Changed behavior in applet so that when uploading a file or directory using Zip Upload feature that default name used incorporates file or directory name.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with user.desktop variable when used in non-English operating systems.


Version 4.2.0

Aug. 21, 2007


Enhancement: Changed default local directory to be users default home directory according to the operating system and added link back to this directory in "Browse local" dialog.

Enhancement: Added client support for MODE Z command in order to compress file transfers and directory listings if supported by server.  This feature can be enabled using the enableCompression applet parameter.

Enhancement: Added "Zip Upload" feature which allows you to compress one or more local files/directories into a single archive before uploading to server.


Version 4.0

May 30, 2007


Enhancement: Added support for WebDAV file transfer protocol.

Enhancement: Added retryLimit parameter which controls how many times a file transfer will be retried in the event of failure.

Enhancement: Added performChecksum parameter which controls whether checksums are performed when using FTP/S protocols.

Enhancement: Added natAddress parameter which controls the NAT address used when connecting using FTP/S protocols.

Enhancement: Improved loading of language.txt file in that if language.txt file cannot be found a default version that is embedded in JAR will be used.


Version 3.0.4

Jan. 9, 2007


Enhancement: Added showRemote parameter which alllows you to enable/disable showing the remote directory listing.

Enhancement: Added tempExtension parameter which allows you to define a temporary extension that will be used when uploading files.  Files will be renamed after upload is completed.

Enhancement: Added certificate dialog to be displayed when connecting to an FTPS enabled server.  Whether the certificate dialog is displayed may be controlled using the showCertificateDialog applet parameter.


Version 3.0.3

Dec. 15, 2006


Enhancement: Added showGrid parameter that may be used to enable/disable the grid lines shown in local and remote directory listings.

Enhancement: Added showHorizonalLines parameter that may be used to enable/disable the horizontal grid lines shown in local and remote directory listings.

Enhancement: Added showVerticalLines parameter that may be used to enable/disable the vertical grid lines shown in local and remote directory listings.

Bug Fix: Fixed ASCII file transfer performance issue.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with enableDownload and enableUpload parameters.


Version 3.0.2

Oct. 27, 2006


Enhancement: Message windows is now cleared when connection is successfully established.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with applet repeatedly polling unavailable drives.


Version 3.0.1

Oct. 24, 2006


Bug Fix: Fixed bug in directory listing parser for servers that support MLSD command.


Version 3.0

Oct. 1, 2006


Enhancement: GUI revamped and updated to use Swing components.

Enhancement: Added support for drag-drop file transfers.

Enhancement: Added support for date/filesize in both local and remote directory listings.


Version 2.6

Jul. 1, 2006


Enhancement: Improved transfer speed for SFTP (FTP over SSH) protocol.

Enhancement: Added ability to clear control channel using CCC command when establishing an explicit FTPS (FTP over SSL) connection.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with dialog windows not closing when clicking close button in upper right hand corner.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with applet hanging when trying to upload a file to a directory without proper permissions in FTPS mode.


Version 2.5

Aug. 1, 2005


Bug Fix: Various bug fixes


Version 2.1


Apr. 14 , 2005


Enhancement - Added abilty to specify location of parameters file. See params applet parameter.


Version 2.0


Mar. 3 , 2005


Enhancement - Added ASCII file transfer support for SFTP (FTP over SSH) protocol

Enhancement - Added FTPS (FTP over SSL) connection support

Fix - Fixed issue parsing some UNIX FTP directory listings


Version 1.6


Sep. 8 , 2004


Enhancement - Added special user.desktop value that may be passed to localDir applet parameter in order to specify the local directory as the desktop.


Version 1.5


Aug. 23, 2004


Enhancement - Added showCurrentRemoteDir applet parameter allowing you to hide the current remote directory path.

Enhancement - Added ZLIB compression support for improved file transfer performance.

Fix - Fixed handling of SFTP directory listings on VanDyke VShell SFTP server.


Version 1.4


Jun. 9, 2004


Enhancement - Added ability to define runtime properties in a file, hiding applet parameters from view in HTML source.

Enhancement - Major performance enhancement to SFTP/SSH downloads.


Version 1.3


May. 13, 2004


Enhancement - Added support to browse local volumes.

Enhancement - Added support to browse recent local remote directories.


Version 1.2


Apr. 27, 2004


Enhancement - Local directory listings are now sorted alphabetically.

Enhancement - Added loginErrorUrl parameter to specify page to redirect to in the event of a login error.

Fix - Fixed file upload bug found when overwriting files where source file is smaller in size than destination file.


Version 1.1


Apr. 08, 2004


Enhancement - Added SOCKS proxy support.

Enhancement - Added ability to exclude remote directories from display. See remoteDirs applet parameter.

Enhancement - Added ability to limit remote directories displayed. See remoteDirs applet parameter.


Initial Release


Mar. 01 2004