Internationalization parameters |
The internationalization parameters allow you to customize the text elements used in the applet. This can be accomplished by modifying the text elements provided in the language.txt file.
Alternatively if you wish to provide support for multiple languages you may create a separate properties file for each language you wish to support. Using this method you can dynamically load the language file based on the "language" parameter provided to the applet.
If you wish to create a properties file that contains the text elements for the French language then perform the following:
1. Copy the language.txt file to a new file named language_fr.txt
2. Update the text element values in language_fr.txt providing the French equivalents.
3. Add a language parameter to the applet with the value of "fr".
4. Upload the language_fr.txt file to the web server directory that contains the language.txt file.
If no language parameter is provided then the default language.txt file is used.
Parameter |
Description |
connectBtn |
Controls the text displayed on the connect button.
Default: Connect |
disconnectBtn |
Controls the text displayed on the disconnect button.
Default: Disconnect |
helpBtn |
Controls the text displayed on the help button.
Default: Help |
aboutBtn |
Controls the text displayed on the about button.
Default: About |
mkDirBtn |
Controls the text displayed on the local and remote create directory buttons.
Default: Mkdir |
renameBtn |
Controls the text displayed on the local and remote rename file buttons.
Default: Rename |
deleteBtn |
Controls the text displayed on the local and remote delete file buttons.
Default: Delete |
refreshBtn |
Controls the text displayed on the local and remote refresh directory buttons.
Default: Refresh |
okBtn |
Controls the text displayed on all OK buttons.
Default: OK |
cancelBtn |
Controls the text displayed on all Cancel buttons.
Default: Cancel |
localSystemLbl |
Controls the text displayed above the local working directory text field.
Default: Local System |
remoteSystemLbl |
Controls the text displayed above the remote working directory text field.
Default: Remote System |
deleteLocalFileTitle |
Controls the title for the Delete local file dialog.
Default: Delete local file |
deleteRemoteFileTitle |
Controls the title for the Delete remote file dialog.
Default: Delete remote file |
deleteFileLbl |
Controls the text displayed in the delete local and delete remote file dialogs.
Default: Are you sure you want to delete the selected file(s)? |
createLocalDirTitle |
Controls the title for the Create local directory dialog.
Default: Create local directory |
createRemoteDirTitle |
Controls the title for the Create remote directory dialog.
Default: Create remote directory |
createDirLbl |
Controls the text displayed in the create local directory and create remote directory dialogs.
Default: Enter directory name: |
renameLocalFileTitle |
Controls the title for the Rename local file dialog.
Default: Rename local file |
renameRemoteFileTitle |
Controls the title for the Rename remote file dialog.
Default: Rename remote file |
renameFileLbl |
Controls the text displayed in the rename local file and rename remote file dialogs.
Default: Enter new name: |
transferStatusTitle |
Controls the title for the Transfer status dialog.
Default: Transfer status |
errTitle |
Controls the title for error dialogs.
Default: Error |
errDeleteLbl |
Controls the error text displayed when unable to delete a file.
Default: Unable to delete one or more file(s). |
errRenameLbl |
Controls the error text displayed when unable to rename a file.
Default: Unable to rename one or more file(s). |
errSetDirLbl |
Controls the error text displayed when unable to change to a specified directory.
Default: Unable to access the specified directory. |
errCreateDir |
Controls the error text displayed when unable to create the specified directory.
Default: Unable to create the specified directory. |
yesButtonText |
Controls text to display for the 'Yes' button shown in transfer dialogs.
Default: JVM default. For US locale this is "Yes" |
noButtonText |
Controls text to display for the 'No' button shown in transfer dialogs.
Default: JVM default. For US locale this is "No" |
overwriteButtonText |
Controls test to display for the 'Overwrite' button shown in transfer dialogs.
Default: Overwrite All |
completedDialogLbl |
Controls the file transfer completed dialog title.
Default: File Transfer |
completedLbl |
Controls the text to display in file transfer completed dialog title.
Default: File Transfer Completed |
Documents |
Controls the value to append to JVM user.documents system property. This is used in conjunction the localDir parameter. E.g.
localDir = user.documents
Default: Documents |
Desktop |
Controls the value to append to JVM user.desktop system property. This is used in conjunction the localDir parameter. E.g.
localDir = user.desktop
Default: Documents |
mkBucketBtn |
Controls the text displayed in the remote directory popup dialog when a S3 protocol is used to create a new bucket,
Default: Make Bucket |
renameBtn |
Controls the text displayed in the remote directory popup dialog when a file or directory is chosen for renaming.
Default: Rename |
deleteBtn |
Controls the text displayed in the remote directory popup dialog when a file or directory is chosen for deletion.
Default: Delete |
refreshBtn |
Controls the text displayed in the remote directory popup dialog when a file or directory is chosen for refreshing.
Default: Refresh |
uploadItem |
Controls the text displayed in the local/remote directory popup dialogs when a file or directory is chosen for upload.
Default: Upload |
downloadItem |
Controls the text displayed in the local/remote directory popup dialogs when a file or directory is chosen for download.
Default: Download |
zipUploadItem |
Controls the text displayed in the local/remote directory popup dialogs when a file or directory is chosen for zipping.
Default: Zip Upload |
resumeBtn |
Controls the text displayed in the local/remote directory popup dialogs when a file or directory is chosen for resumption.
Default: Resume |
fileMenu |
Controls the text displayed in the applet file menu.
Default: File |
helpMenu |
Controls the text displayed in the applet help menu.
Default: Help |
contentsBtn |
Controls the text displayed in the applet Help -> Contents menu.
Default: Contents |
siteManagerItem |
Controls the text displayed for the applet File -> Site Manager menu
Default: Site Manager |
settingsItem |
Controls the text displayed for the applet File -> Settings menu
Default: Settings |
languageLabel |
Controls the text displayed for the applet File -> Settings -> GUI Settings language label.
Default: Language |
themeLabel |
Controls the text displayed for the applet File -> Settings -> GUI Settings theme label.
Default: Theme |
regionLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the Amazon S3 region when a new bucket is created.
Default: Select Region : |
overwriteYesButton |
Controls the text displayed for the dialog popup when a file already exists & the user selects to overwrite it.
Default: Yes |
overwriteNoButton |
Controls the text displayed for the dialog popup when a file already exists & the user does not select to overwrite it.
Default: No |
overwriteAllButton |
Controls the text displayed for the dialog popup when a file(s) already exists & the user selects to overwrite them.
Default: All |
generalTab |
Controls the text displayed for connection dialog General tab.
Default: General |
optionsTab |
Controls the text displayed for connection dialog Options tab.
Default: Options |
pgpTab |
Controls the text displayed for connection dialog PGP tab.
Default: PGP |
preserveUploadTimestamps |
Controls the text displayed for preserving timestamps of uploaded files via the FTP / FTPS protocols.
Default: preserve upload timestamps. |
preserveDownloadTimestamps |
Controls the text displayed for preserving timestamps of downloaded files via the FTP / FTPS protocols.
Default: preserve download timestamps. |
remoteSystemLblConnectedStatus |
Controls the text displayed on the remote window when connection is established successfully to the server.
Default: (Connected) |
restartLbl |
Controls the text displayed in the popup dialog when the client settings are changed and it needs to be restarted. This parameter only applies to AnyClient.
Default: Restart AnyClient to apply settings. |
restartTitle |
Controls the title text of the popup dialog displayed when the client settings are changed and it needs to be restarted. This parameter only applies to AnyClient.
Default: Settings |
siteConnectButton |
Controls the text displayed by the Connect button on the connect dialog.
Default: Connect |
siteCancelButton |
Controls the text displayed by the Cancel button on the connect dialog.
Default: Cancel |
siteRenameButton |
Controls the text displayed by the Rename button on the Connect dialog.
Default: Rename |
siteNewButton |
Controls the text displayed by the New button on the connect dialog.
Default: New |
siteRemoveButton |
Controls the text displayed by the Remove button on the connect dialog.
Default: Remove |
siteErrorMsg |
Controls the title that is displayed in the popup when then is an error saving the site.
Default: There is an error |
siteSaveError |
Controls the text that is displayed in the popup when then is an error saving the site.
Default: Error saving site |
siteSaveCompleted |
Controls the text that is displayed in the popup when the site save has been completed.
Default: Save completed |
transferCancellingLabel |
Controls the text displayed in the debug table when a transfer is in the process of being canceled.
Default: Transfer canceling ... |
transferCancelledLabel |
Controls the text displayed in the debug table when a transfer has finished cancelling.
Default: Transfer canceled |
indeterminateLabel |
Controls the text displayed in the progress dialog when progress information is not available.
Default: Progress information not available. |
inProgressDebugLabel |
Controls the text displayed for the in progress transfers tab on the debug area.
Default: In Progress |
successfulTransferDebugLabel |
Controls the text displayed for the successful transfers tab on the debug area.
Default: Successful |
deleteRemoteBucketTitle |
Controls the popup dialog title text when bucket(s) is selected for deletion for the Amazon S3 protocol.
Default: Delete remote bucket |
deleteBucketLbl |
Controls the popup dialog text when bucket(s) are selected for deletion for the Amazon S3 protocol.
Default: Are you sure you want to delete the selected bucket(s)? |
createBucketDirTitle |
Controls the text that is displayed in the popup dialog title when the user decides to create a new bucket for the Amazon S3 protocol.
Default: Create remote bucket |
createBucketLbl |
Controls the text that is displayed in the popup dialog when the user decides to create a new bucket for the Amazon S3 protocol.
Default: Enter bucket name: |
renameRemoteBucketTitle |
Controls the text that is displayed in the popup dialog title when the user decides to rename an existing bucket for the Amazon S3 protocol.
Default: Rename remote bucket |
renameBucketLbl |
Controls the text that is displayed in the popup dialog when the user decides to rename an existing bucket for the Amazon S3 protocol.
Default: Enter new name: |
transferOkButton |
Controls the text displayed in the progress dialog Ok button.
Default: OK |
transferAbortButton |
Controls the text displayed in the progress dialog Ok button.
Default: Abort |
connectTitle |
Controls the title of the Connect dialog
Default: Connect |
connectUsernameLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the username label in the connect dialog.
Default: Username |
connectPasswordLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the password label in the connect dialog.
Default: Password |
connectHostLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the host label in the connect dialog.
Default: Host |
connectTypeLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the connection protocol type in the connect dialog.
Default: Protocol |
connectAnonymousLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the anonymous checkbox in the connect dialog.
Default: Anonymous |
connectPassiveLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the passive checkbox in the connect dialog.
Default: Protocol |
connectProxyHostLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the proxy host in the connect dialog.
Default: Proxy Host |
connectProxyUserLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the proxy user in the connect dialog.
Default: Proxy User |
connectProxyPasswordLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the proxy password in the connect dialog.
Default: Proxy Password |
connectProxyDomainLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the proxy domain in the connect dialog.
Default: Proxy Domain |
browserVolumesLbl |
Controls the text displayed in the local directory browser dialog.
Default: Volumes |
browserVolumesTitle |
Controls the title of the local directory browser dialog.
Default: Browser local |
browseDirsTitle |
Controls the title of the remote directory browser dialog.
Default: Browse remote |
browseDirsLbl |
Controls the text displayed in the remote browser dialog.
Default: Recent directories |
zipUploadDlgLbl |
Controls the text title to be displayed in the zip dialog box.
Default: Please provide the remote file name. |
privateKeyFileLbl |
Controls the text to be displayed for the for the SFTP private key label in the connection dialog.
Default: Private Key File |
keyPasswordLbl |
Controls the text to be displayed for the for the SFTP private key password label in the connection dialog.
Default: Key Password |
browseLbl |
Controls the text to be displayed by the local directory browser button for the SFTP private key in the connection dialog.
Default: Browse |
usePasswordAuthLbl |
Controls the text to be displayed by the SFTP password authentication checkbox in the connection dialog.
Default: Use password authentication |
useSubsystemLbl |
Controls the text to be displayed by the SFTP use subsystem checkbox in the connection dialog.
Default: Use subsystem reply needed |
usePublicKeyAuth |
Controls the text to be displayed by the SFTP public key authentication checkbox in the connection dialog.
Default: Use public key authentication |
generalLbl |
Controls the text to be displayed in the general tab of the connection dialog.
Default: General |
sftpAuthLabel |
Controls the text to be displayed in the SFTP options panel title in the connection dialog.
Default: SFTP/SSH Authentication |
proxyLbl |
Controls the text to be displayed in the proxy options panel title in the connection dialog.
Default: Proxy Settings |
aftpSecurityLbl |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP Security label in the connection dialog.
Default: Security |
aftpSecurityComboBox.NO_PROTECTION |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP no protection option in the connection dialog.
Default: none |
aftpSecurityComboBox.FULL_TIME_PROTECTED |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP full protection option in the connection dialog.
Default: credentials and data |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP credentials protection option in the connection dialog.
Default: credentials only |
aftpDownloadingBitRateLbl |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP download bit rate label in the connection dialog.
Default: Download rate |
aftpDownloadingBitRateUnitLbl |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP download bit rate units label in the connection dialog.
Default: KBit/s |
aftpUploadingBitRateLbl |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP upload bit rate label in the connection dialog.
Default: Upload rate |
aftpUploadingBitRateUnitLbl |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP upload bit rate units label in the connection dialog.
Default: KBit/s |
aftpUseCongestionControlBox |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP congestion control label in the connection dialog.
Default: Enable congestion control |
aftpExcludeFilesWithExtension |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP exclude files with extension label in the connection dialog.
Default: Exclude files with extension |
aftpExcludeSmallerThan |
Controls the text displayed for AFTP exclude smaller than label in the connection dialog.
Default: Exclude files smaller than |
aftpCompressionPanel |
Controls the text displayed on AFTP compression panel in the connection dialog.
Default: AFTP compression |
aftpEnableOption |
Controls the text displayed on AFTP enable compression panel in the connection dialog.
Default: Enable |
settingsConfigurationTitleErr |
Controls the title text that is displayed in the popup when site configuration data cannot be loaded.
Default: Configuration |
settingsConfigurationLoadMsg |
Controls the text displayed in the popup when site configuration data cannot be loaded.
Default: Could not load site configuration |
ipv6OptionsLbl |
Controls the text for FTP Ipv6 options in the connection panel.
Default: Ipv6 Options |
ftpOptionsLbl |
Controls the text for FTP Ipv6 options panel in the connection panel.
Default: FTP Transfer Options |
transferFailedText |
Controls the text displayed when a transfer fails in the debug area.
Default: Transfer failed! |
pgpLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the PGP settings label in the connection dialog
Default: Settings |
pgpPrivateKeyPasswordLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the PGP private key password label in the connection dialog.
Default: Password |
pgpEnabledCheckBoxLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the PGP enabled checkbox in the connection dialog.
Default: Enabled |
pgpDeleteSource |
Controls the text displayed by the PGP delete source checkbox in the connection dialog.
Default: Delete source |
settingsGUILbl |
Controls the text displayed by the GUI Settings tab in the Settings dialog.
Default: GUI Settings |
settingsConfigLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the configuration tab in the Settings dialog.
Default: Configuration |
settingsConfigFileLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the file / url label in the Settings dialog.
Default: File / URL |
settingsConfigFileBtn |
Controls the text displayed by the local file browser button for the site configuration file. This is present in the Settings dialog.
Default: Select |
settingsConfigLoadBtn |
Controls the text displayed by the load settings button for the site configuration file. This is present in the Settings dialog.
Default: Load |
settingsCancelBtn |
Controls the text displayed by the cancel settings button in the Settings dialog.
Default: Cancel |
passwordDialogLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the password label in the Password dialog.
Default: Password |
passwordDialogTitle |
Controls the title displayed by the Password dialog.
Default: Enter password |
okPasswordBtn |
Controls the text displayed by the OK button of the Password dialog.
Default: OK |
cancelPasswordBtn |
Controls the text displayed by the Cancel button of the Password dialog.
Default: Cancel |
usePGPPrivateKeyLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the PGP Private key label on the PGP tab in the connection dialog.
Default: Private key |
pgpPrivateKeyBtnLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the PGP Private key select button on the PGP tab in the connection dialog.
Default: Select |
pgpExtensionLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the PGP filename regex label on the PGP tab in the connection dialog.
Default: Filename regex |
usePGPPublicKeyLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the PGP Public key label on the PGP tab in the connection dialog.
Default: Public key |
pgpPublicKeyBtnLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the PGP Public key select button on the PGP tab in the connection dialog.
Default: Select |
debugAreaTransfersTab |
Controls the text displayed in the transfers tab of the debug area.
Default: Transfers |
debugAreaDebugTab |
Controls the text displayed in the debug tab of the debug area.
Default: Debug |
connectionTypeLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the connection type label in the connection dialog.
Default: Connection Type |
promptForPasswordLbl |
Controls the text displayed on the prompt password panel in connection dialog.
Default: Password options |
promptForPasswordText |
Controls the text displayed on the prompt password checkbox in connection dialog.
Default: Prompt for password |
keyTypeLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the key type label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Key type |
certTypeLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate type label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Certificate type |
certVersionLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate version label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Version |
certSerialLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate serial number label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Serial |
certIssueLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate issuer label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Issuer |
certSubjectLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate subject label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Subject |
certDateBeforeLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate date before label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Valid not before |
certDateAfterLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate date after label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Valid not after |
certSignatureLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate signature label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Signature |
certNameLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate name label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Name |
certValueLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the certificate value label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Value |
acceptCertificateLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the accept certificate label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Accept Certificate? |
detailsCertificateLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the details certificate label in the FTPS certificate dialog
Default: Details |
clearMenu |
Controls the text displayed by the clear menu item in the debug area
Default: Clear |
copyMenu |
Controls the text displayed by the copy menu item in the debug area
Default: Copy |
detailsMenu |
Controls the text displayed by the details menu item in the debug area
Default: Details |
cancelMenu |
Controls the text displayed by the cancel menu item in the debug area
Default: Cancel |
cancelAllMenu |
Controls the text displayed by the cancel all menu item in the debug area
Default: Cancel All |
clearAllMenu |
Controls the text displayed by the clear all menu item in the debug area
Default: Clear All |
localDirLabel |
Controls the text displayed by the local directory label in the connection dialog.
Default: Local Directory |
localDirBrowse |
Controls the text displayed by the local directory browse button in the connection dialog.
Default: Browser |
remoteDirLabel |
Controls the text displayed by the remote directory label in the connection dialog.
Default: Remote Directory |
debugLabel |
Controls the text displayed by the debug label in the connection dialog.
Default: Debug |
accessKeyLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the access key label in the connection dialog when Amazon S3 protocol is used.
Default: Access Key |
secretKeyLbl |
Controls the text displayed by the secret key label in the connection dialog when Amazon S3 protocol is used.
Default: Secret Key |
encryptionCheckbox |
Controls the text displayed by the use encryption checkbox in the connection dialog when Amazon S3 protocol is used.
Default: Use server side encryption |
encryptionTitle |
Controls the text displayed by the S3 options panel in the connection dialog when Amazon S3 protocol is used.
Default: S3 options |
newHostKeyTitle |
Controls the text displayed by the new host key label in the Host Key dialog when a connection is made to a SSH/SFTP server.
Default: New host key |
fingerprintLabel |
Controls the text displayed by the fingerprint label in the Host Key dialog when a connection is made to a SSH/SFTP server.
Default: Fingerprint: |
verifyTitle |
Controls the text displayed by the verify host key label in the Host Key dialog when a connection is made to a SSH/SFTP server.
Default: Verify Host key |
acceptSaveButton |
Controls the text displayed by the accept & save button in the Host Key dialog when a connection is made to a SSH/SFTP server.
Default: Accept and Save |
acceptButton |
Controls the text displayed by the accept button in the Host Key dialog when a connection is made to a SSH/SFTP server.
Default: Accept |
cancelButton |
Controls the text displayed by the cancel button in the Host Key dialog when a connection is made to a SSH/SFTP server.
Default: Cancel |
hostKeyVerifyCancelError |
Controls the text displayed by the verification cancel label in the Host Key dialog when a connection is made to a SSH/SFTP server & the user cancels it.
Default: Connection was cancelled during host key verification |
binaryCheckbox |
Controls the text displayed by the binary transfer option
Default: Binary |
settingsTitle |
Controls the Settings dialog title
Default: Settings |
aboutTitle |
Controls the About dialog title
Default: About |
certificateTitle |
Controls the FTPS certificate info dialog title
Default: Certificate |
elapsedLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the time that has elapsed while performing a file transfer.
Default: elapsed |
remainingLbl |
Controls the text displayed for the time that is remaining while performing a file transfer.
Default: remaining |
completedDialogLbl |
Controls the title of the popup that appears when a file transfer has been completed.
Default: File Transfer |
completedLbl |
Controls the text of the popup that appears when a file transfer has been completed.
Default: File Transfer Completed |
ofLbl |
Controls the text appearing between the transferred and total bytes when a file transfer is in progress.
Default: of |
transferLocalFilename |
Controls the text appearing for the local filename label in the debug area.
Default: Local File |
transferDirection |
Controls the text appearing for the direction label in the debug area.
Default: Direction |
transferRemoteFilename |
Controls the text appearing for the remote filename label in the debug area.
Default: Remote File |
transferProgress |
Controls the text appearing for the progress label in the debug area.
Default: Local File |
remainingTransferLabel |
Controls the text appearing for the remaining label in the debug area.
Default: remaining |
elapsedTransferLabel |
Controls the text appearing for the elapsed label in the debug area.
Default: elapsed |
progressMonitorTitle |
Controls the progress monitor for the JVM. This applies to the zipping popup dialog.
Default: Zipping files |
progressCompletedText |
Controls the text that appears in the popup dialog when progress monitor completes for the JVM. This applies to the zipping popup dialog.
Default: completed |
zipErrorTitle |
Controls the title that appears in the error dialog when there is an error during the zip operation.
Default: Error |
zipErrorMessage |
Controls the text that appears in the error dialog when there is an error during the zip operation.
Default: Zip filename must end with '.zip' extension |
errTitle |
Controls the title that appears when an error occurs during deletion, renaming, directory creation.
Default: Error |
errDeleteLbl |
Controls the text that appears in the error popup dialog when error occurs during file deletion.
Default: Unable to delete one or more file(s) |
errRenameLbl |
Controls the text that appears in the error popup dialog when error occurs during file renaming.
Default: Unable to rename one or more file(s) |
errSetDirLbl |
Controls the text that appears in the error popup dialog when error occurs when a directory is set on the remote server.
Default: Unable to access the specified directory |
errCreateDir |
Controls the text that appears in the error popup dialog when error occurs during directory creation.
Default: Unable to create the specified directory |
errConnection |
Controls the text that appears in the error popup dialog if an error occurs during the connection process.
Default: Unable to connect to server. Try again? |
errLogin |
Controls the text that appears if a connection fails.
Default: Invalid username or password |
errSshVersion |
Controls the text that appears when an SSH connection is made and the client and server do not agree on the protocol version.
Default: Invalid SSH version on server |
errZipUploadLbl |
Controls the text that appears in the error dialog if en error occurs during the zip operation.
Default: Unable compress and upload files selected |
errPermissions |
Controls the text for file permissions error.
Default: Access denied |
errProxy |
Controls the text when a error is thrown during the connection process using a proxy.
Default: Unable to connect to proxy server |
warnUploadDirTitle |
Controls the text that appears for the error dialog title when the server does not allow file upload.
Default: Permission Denied |
warnUploadDirLbl |
Controls the text that appears for the error dialog title when the server does not allow directory creation.
Default: Permission to create |
warnUploadDirFinish |
Controls the text that appears for the error dialog title when the server does not allow directory upload.
Default: directory denied |
permissionDeniedLbl |
Controls the text that appears for the error dialog title when the server does not allow file operation. (applies to JSCAPE MFT Server).
Default: Server does not allow this operation |
confirmOverwriteMessage |
Controls the text that appears when a file is over-written. This text appears before the transfer in a confirmation popup dialog.
Default: {0} already exists. Overwrite? |
confirmOverwriteTitle |
Controls the text title that appears when a file is over-written. This text appears before the transfer in a confirmation popup dialog.
Default: Overwrite |
imageCol |
Controls the text that appears in the image column header of the local / remote directory panels.
Default: |
fileNameCol |
Controls the text that appears in the filename column header of the local / remote directory panels.
Default: Name |
sizeCol |
Controls the text that appears in the size column header of the local / remote directory panels.
Default: Size |
dateCol |
Controls the text that appears in the date column header of the local / remote directory panels.
Default: Date |
GetKeystoreDialog.title |
Controls the text that appears in the keystore dialog title.
Default: Select Keystore File |
GetKeystoreDialog.fileLabel.text |
Controls the text that appears in the keystore filename label.
Default: File |
GetKeystoreDialog.passwordLabel.text |
Controls the text that appears in the keystore password label.
Default: Password |
GetKeystoreDialog.selectFileButton.text |
Controls the text that appears in the keystore browse button.
Default: Browse |
GetKeystoreDialog.selectFileButton.mnemonic |
Controls the keystore file button mnemonic.
Default: B |
GetKeystoreDialog.submitButton.text |
Controls the keystore submit button mnemonic.
Default: OK |
GetKeystoreDialog.submitButton.mnemonic |
Controls the keystore submit button mnemonic.
Default: O |
GetKeystoreDialog.cancelButton.text |
Controls the keystore cancel button text.
Default: Cancel |
GetKeystoreDialog.cancelButton.mnemonic |
Controls the keystore cancel button mnemonic.
Default: C |
GetKeystoreDialog.fileChooser.title |
Controls the keystore file chooser title.
Default: Select File |
GetKeystoreDialog.fileChooser.button.text |
Controls the keystore select button text.
Default: Select |
GetKeystoreDialog.fileChooser.button.mnemonic |
Controls the keystore select button mnemonic.
Default: S |
GetKeystoreDialog.errorDialog.title |
Controls the keystore error dialog title.
Default: Error |
GetKeystoreDialog.badFilenameDialog.message |
Controls the keystore error text that appears if the file is not valid for the keystore.
Default: Select valid keystore file! |
GetKeystoreDialog.ioErrorDialog.message |
Controls the keystore error text when a IO error occurs.
Default: Error loading keystore: {0} |
GetKeystoreDialog.badKeyDialog.message |
Controls the keystore error text when the key password is not valid or the keystore file does not exist.
Default: Error restoring key: bad password or key does not exists |
Documents |
Controls the default OS documents directory.
Default: Documents |
Desktop |
Controls the default OS desktop directory.
Default: Desktop |
connectionCopyMenu |
Controls the text for the copy menu item of the connection panel's clipboard context sensitive panel.
Default: Copy |
connectionCutMenu |
Controls the text for the cut menu item of the connection panel's clipboard context sensitive panel.
Default: Cut |
connectionPasteMenu |
Controls the text for the paste menu item of the connection panel's clipboard context sensitive panel.
Default: Paste |