Running FTCL scripts from within Java |
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FTCL scripts may be processed from within Java code by creating a new FTCL instance and invoking the appropriate execute() method. Scripts may be executed from a file or from an array of bytes. The necessary FTCL classes are located in the File Transfer Command Line ftcl.jar file.
import com.jscape.ftcl.FTCL; import com.jscape.ftcl.FTCLException;
public class FTCLExample {
public static void main(String[] args) { // create new FTCL instance FTCL ftcl = new FTCL();
// load script file File script = new File("c:/ftpscript.txt");
// execute script and capture any exceptions try { ftcl.execute(script); } catch(FTCLException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } } }
import com.jscape.ftcl.FTCL; import com.jscape.ftcl.FTCLException;
public class FTCLExample {
public static void main(String[] args) { // create new FTCL instance FTCL ftcl = new FTCL();
// create buffer that contains commands to execute StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("set hostname \"\"\r\n"); buffer.append("set username \"jsmith\"\r\n"); buffer.append("set password \"secret\"\r\n"); buffer.append("connect\r\n"); buffer.append("dir\r\n"); buffer.append("disconnect\r\n");
// execute script and capture any exceptions try { byte[] data = buffer.toString().getBytes(); ftcl.execute(data); } catch(FTCLException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } } }