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Upgrade Process - Graphical User Interface


1. Run the GUI installer for MFT Monitor.

2. The installer will detect that a previous version of MFT Monitor is installed and will ask if you want to update that version. Confirm that you want to update.

3. Read the license agreement. If you agree to the terms, accept it.

4. Specify a backup directory.

5. Choose whether to use the embedded database or an external/custom database.

6. Continue with the installation process as normal.  Once the installation is complete, monitor configuration settings from the previous version will be automatically migrated to the current version.


Upgrade Process - Manual


1. Stop the old MFT Monitor.

2. Rename/move (DO NOT DELETE) the old installation directory to a different directory (e.g. mft_monitor_old).

3 .Install the new MFT monitor version.

4. Copy the following files/directories (if they exist):


copy "data" directory from the old directory to the current installation directory.
copy "lib/ext" directory from the old directory to the <current installation directory>/lib/ext.
copy "var/credentials" directory from the old directory to the <current installation directory>/var/credentials.
copy "var/data" directory from the old directory to the <current installation directory>/var/data.
copy "var/private-keys" directory from the old directory to the <current installation directory>/var/private-keys.
copy "etc/license.lic" file from the old directory to the <current installation directory>/etc.
copy "etc/application-instance.id" file from the old directory to the <current installation directory>/etc.
copy "etc/database.properties" file from the old directory to the <current installation directory>/etc.
copy "etc/monitor-log.properties" file from the old directory to the <current installation directory>/etc.


5. Execute the following command INSIDE the new MFT monitor installation directory:

    ./database -update -previous-version <previous monitor version>

6. Start the new MFT monitor.

7. Connect to the following web management interface URL using a browser. <rest_port> is 30881 by default.


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