Auto-starting in Linux and Solaris 9 environments |
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For Linux and Solaris 9 environments you may have the JSCAPE Reverse Proxy Service start up automatically during system startup by creating a service configuration file for JSCAPE Reverse Proxy Service and placing it in your /etc/init.d directory. This same configuration file will be used for gracefully stopping the JSCAPE Reverse Proxy Service when shutting down the system. A sample service configuration file, reverseproxy, has been placed in the init.d directory of your JSCAPE Reverse Proxy installation.
Installing the service configuration file
/sbin/chkconfig --add reverseproxy
Solaris 9
ln /etc/init.d/reverseproxy /etc/rc3.d/Sxxreverseproxy
ln /etc/init.d/reverseproxy /etc/rc0.d/Kxxreverseproxy
If you are running under Ubuntu environment then the chkconfig command is not available. Instead you must run the following command as root user from /etc/init.d directory:
update-rc.d jscape defaults
Starting the service
From the /etc/init.d directory and as root user run the command ./reverseproxy start to start the service.
Stopping the service
From the /etc/init.d directory and as root user run the command ./reverseproxy stop to stop the service.
Restarting the service
From the /etc/init.d directory and as root user run the command ./reverseproxy restart to restart the service. |