Docker instructions - Windows

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This section describes how to build a Docker container for the MFT Gateway application to run in.




A Windows MFT Gateway installer

A Docker installation that you are logged in to




1. Create a folder on the target system, for example: “C:\docker”.


2. Copy the file from “MFT Gateway\doc\docker” to  “C:\docker” and rename it Dockerfile. Please check that Dockerfile has no file extension.


Note: Docker builds images by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. This is a text file containing instructions that adhere to a specific format needed to assemble your application into a container image. The default file name is Dockerfile, without a file extension. Using the default name allows you to run the docker build command without having to specify additional command flags.


3. Place the mft-gateway-install-x64-x.xx.xx.exe in “C:\docker”.


4. Place the license file in “C:\docker”.


5. Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window and navigate to the “C:\docker” directory where the Dockerfile was placed. Build the container image using the docker build command:


 docker build -t gateway:latest .


6. Start your container using the docker run command and specify the name of the image you just created:


  docker run -it -p 20881:20881 --entrypoint=cmd gateway:latest


Note: Windows requires the host OS version to match the container OS version. If you want to run a container based on a newer Windows build, make sure you have an equivalent host build. Otherwise, you can use Hyper-V isolation to run older containers on new host builds.

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