Version history

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Release 10.0


Jan. 16, 2017


Enhancement: Achieved OFTP2 testing compliance with ODETTE.

Enhancement: Major upgrade of client web interface to use RESTful API calls and redesigned client web interface to use JQuery components matching the look and feel of current administrative web interface.

Enhancement: Added support for case-insensitive logins regardless of operating system.

Enhancement: Added ability to edit a service without having to manually delete/add a service.

Enhancement: Added built-in modules providing ability to authenticate administrators against 3rd party user repositories including databases, LDAP, NTLM, PAM and RADIUS.

Enhancement: Added ability to limit data connection modes for FTP/S to include Active, Passive or All.

Enhancement: Enabled diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 cipher by default for SFTP service.

Enhancement: Added a Create Drop Zone trigger action for use in the automation of provisioning drop zones.

Enhancement: Added User Password Reset Request trigger event.

Enhancement: Added ability to set minimum password age.

Enhancement: Added additional permissions to administrative roles to limit ability to access Description and Sessions modules for a domain as well as the ability to start/stop/pause/resume a domain.

Enhancement: Updated preferred cipher for SFTP reverse proxy to use blowfish-cbc for improved reverse proxy performance.

Enhancement: Added ability to support unauthenticated transfers in OFTP protocol using an option that binds unauthenticated users to a named account.

Enhancement: Added support for compression when defining an OFTP trading partner.

Enhancement: Added a new “domain” variable to Server > Settings > Email > Resources panel for referencing the domain in dynamically generated emails.

Enhancement: Added ability to debug an AS2 message that is sent manually from Send File dialog in AS2 Messages module using newly added “Debug file” input.

Enhancement: Added support for CRL (Certificate Revocation List) and additional key usage attributes to Server Keys module in Key Manager.

Enhancement: Added Generate Certificate button to Key Manager > Server Keys module, simplifying the process for replacing the certificate for an existing server key.

Enhancement: Added ability to manually send a positive or negative receipt in OFTP Messages module.

Enhancement: Added ability to manually send a certificate to a trading partner from the OFTP Messages module.

Enhancement: Added js-as2purge and js-oftppurge command line utilities for purging AS2 and OFTP messages from datastore.

Enhancement: Added customizable logo to ad-hoc file transfer download page.

Enhancement: Improved logging when performing server synchronization from Server > Settings > Failover module.

Enhancement: Added -exclude-log-searches parameter to js-db-migration utility to optionally exclude log searches during migration.

Enhancement: Added color coding to Directory Monitors module to visually indicate status of quotas.

Enhancement: Added ability to support multiple decryption and receipt signing keys in Server > Settings > Web > AS2 module.

Enhancement: Expanded width of dropdowns when selecting a reverse proxy.

Enhancement: Increased default heap memory size to 1024m during installation process to better reflect typical production environment requirements.

Enhancement: Updated date widget in Advanced Search dialog for client web interface.

Enhancement: Various GUI enhancements.

Bug Fix: Fixed potential high CPU utilization issue when server has performed a large number of file transfers in a short period of time.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue where file handle on .ssh/ was not properly released after an SFTP public key authentication.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue where a blocked IP due to too many unsuccessful authentications may be unblocked after restarting the server.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue where data port for active FTP connections may not originate on proper port.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with uploading large files using Java applet.

Bug Fix: Fixed database migration issue where the password expiration reminder may be resent erroneously to accounts.

Bug Fix: Fixed various database migration issues.

Bug Fix: Fixed log parsing issue experienced when user attempts to login using double quotes.

Bug Fix: Fixed performance issue with log searches that resulted in high CPU utilization and growing database.

Bug Fix: Fixed potential “bad string length” error experienced when downloading file from an ad-hoc link.

Bug Fix: Fixed issues with System Configuration Backup trigger action.

Bug Fix: Fixed status display issue with executed trigger actions.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue where logo may not be properly displayed in web interface when using IE browser.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue where reverse proxy connections were not getting reused and not timing out.

Bug Fix: Fixed performance issue with Java applet that resulted in loading delays.

Bug Fix: Fixed directory listing error experienced when using SFTPv4.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with js-adddomain command line utility.

Bug Fix: Fixed memory leak experienced when using Trading Partner Directory Download Synchronization trigger action.

Bug Fix: Fixed content types sent for outgoing AS2 messages based on file extension.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with AS2 where raw messages are retained regardless of whether option for retaining AS2 messages is enabled.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with encrypting/decrypting large files using PGP and DSA cipher.



Release 9.3

Feb. 12, 2016


Enhancement: Added support for storing all configuration data in a global datastore.  This is a major change in the way in which configuration data has been previously stored and more easily supports HA configurations.

Enhancement: Added ability to publish subscribed trigger events to a JMS queue.

Enhancement: Added support for custom authentication API when authenticating administrative users.

Enhancement: Added separate logging module for administrative actions.

Enhancement: Added fine grained access control module with support for roles and tags.

Enhancement: Added persistent storage for trigger event history.

Enhancement: Added file hashing extension support to SFTP service.

Enhancement: Added last login information to user interface for both client and administrative accounts.

Enhancement: Added current login information to user interface for administrative accounts.

Enhancement: Added js-adddropzone command line utility for the creation of Drop Zone.

Enhancement: Added support for RADIUS authentication.

Enhancement: Added support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).

Update: Changed connection method of Java applet from using WebDAV to use REST client API.

Update: Moved ability to start/stop/resume all domains from Server menu to Domains tab in administrative client user interface.

Update: Java GUI no longer distributed with product, replaced with web based GUI.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue where the disk usage quota for a Directory Monitor was reported incorrectly.

Bug Fix: Fixed NullPointerException issue when attempting to reference a null trigger event variable.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with js-importusers command line utility that incorrectly provisioned user in the event that "Allow password change" option was disabled for the selected User Template.

Bug Fix: Resolved issues with and made improvements to CAPTCHA display.




Release 9.2

Jul. 10, 2015


Enhancement: Improved performance for storing, rendering and searching of AS2 and OFTP messages.

Enhancement: Added OFTP messages module providing ability to see OFTP messages exchanged.

Enhancement: Added dashboard to web interface for tracking various performance metrics of server over time.  Metrics include threads, heap memory, max memory, allocated memory, connections, uploads and downloads.

Enhancement: Added support for OpenID Connect standard in SSO authentication module and verified compatibility with Google Apps.

Enhancement: Updated Disable Inactive Accounts trigger action to include accounts that have never logged in.

Enhancement: Added ability to define From email header for AS2 messages.

Enhancement: Added option to edit immediately after copying a Trigger, User or Trading Partner.

Enhancement: Updated reports output format to be more consistent with administrative web interface.

Update: Updated code signing certificate for file transfer applet used in web interface.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with GetGlobalVariable function not working properly when testing a condition in a trigger.

Bug Fix: Resolved various interoperability issues with SFTP clients.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with passive ports not displayed correctly in web interface for FTP/S services.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with SFTP related trigger actions where password authentication is preferred even though private key is specified.

Bug Fix: Resolved various minor issues.


Release 9.1

Feb. 13, 2015


Enhancement: Added ability to search tables in administrative web interface.

Enhancement: Added progress dialog to web interface when loading a domain.

Enhancement: Added Last Login column to Users table view.

Enhancement: Added status message to administrative web interface when saving changes.

Enhancement: Added support for TFTP and OFTP services.

Enhancement: Added support for Amazon S3, TFTP, OFTP, REST, IMAP, SMTP and POP3 in Trading Partners module.

Enhancement: Added support for various protocols to Reverse Proxies module including Amazon S3, REST, TFTP and OFTP.

Enhancement: Added pagination support to AS2 Messages and Contacts modules.

Enhancement: Added notification message to web interface when rebuild index process is started via Server > Settings > Search Index.

Enhancement: Minor updates to user interface for Reverse Proxies module.

Enhancement: Updated all data tables to use consistent data alignment best practices.

Enhancement: Added visual cues to the web administrative interface that prompt user to save changes in the event they attempt to navigate away from page without saving changes.

Enhancement: Added support to automatically detect whether JavaScript and/or cookies are enabled in client's browser.

Enhancement: Updated all drop-down GUI components in web administrative interface to be searchable.

Enhancement: Added XSS and CSRF validation to all requests in both client and administrative web interfaces.

Enhancement: Added js-syncstate command line utility for performing failover synchronization.

Enhancement: Added DateAdd, DateSubtract and DateFormat trigger functions for use in manipulating and formatting dates.

Enhancement: Added Key column in Services module to display the server encryption key used by a service.

Enhancement: Added Domains attribute to Server Key in Key Manager that displays a list of the domains currently using selected key.

Enhancement: Added ability to run actions asynchronously for a Trigger.

Enhancement: Added ability to view event details for an executed Trigger.

Enhancement: Added a unique event ID attribute that identifies the event used in the execution of a Trigger.

Enhancement: Added ability to require user to submit form data when uploading files via the client web interface.

Enhancement: Added alternative Label field to be used when presenting file upload forms to web based clients.

Update: Changed name of two-factor authentication service PhoneFactor to Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication.

Bug Fix: Resolved compatibility issue with OpenID CAS server.

Bug Fix: Resolved backward compatibility issue with 8.4.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue related to known SSLv3 (POODLE) vulnerability.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where user is not automatically redirected to login page in event of session timeout.

Bug Fix: Resolve password compliance validation issue when creating or editing a user's password.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue where first entry of new user activity log file is written to previous log file when server is inactive for several days.

Bug Fix: Fixed performance issue with Directory Monitors module.

Bug Fix: Various interoperability fixes for AS2 protocol.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with file uploads that use a form with option to prompt user for form data for each file uploaded in a batch.

Bug Fix: Various bug fixes for web administrative client interface.



Release 9.0


Jul. 8, 2014


Enhancement: Added web based administrative user interface.

Enhancement: Added support for password protected archives in ZIP related trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added ability to ignore trigger events when domain is paused or stopped.

Enhancement: Added CurrentTimeMillis event variable to all trigger events.

Enhancement: Added relevant AS2 event variables to External File Upload event.

Enhancement: Password field is now optional in SQL related trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added option to relevant authentication modules that converts username to lowercase/uppercase when creating virtual directory paths that rely on username information.  Useful in environments where authentication is case-insensitive, but filesystem is case sensitive.

Enhancement: Added ability to download one or more files/directories from web interface as a ZIP archive.

Enhancement: Added ability to store ad-hoc file transfer details in a relational database.

Enhancement: Added ability to receive AS2 messages without requiring user credentials.

Enhancement: Added Data Connection Error event that is raised when data connection over FTP/S protocols experiences a timeout or other error.

Bug Fix: Resolved various miscellaneous issues.


Release 8.8


Dec. 2, 2013


Enhancement: Added Used variable to Directory Monitor Quota Exceeded event which captures the amount of storage data used.

Enhancement: Updated MIGLayout library used in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Enhancement: Added ability to set optional Reply To address when sending ad-hoc emails.

Enhancement: Added support for optional web SSO authentication with support for SAML and OpenID authentication providers.

Enhancement: Added support for multipart emails when sending ad-hoc emails to include both text and HTML versions.

Enhancement: Added support for templates when sending ad-hoc emails.

Enhancement: Added support for Cc and Bcc headers when sending ad-hoc emails.

Enhancement: Added ability to set the Host and Port parameters when sending ad-hoc emails using Ad Hoc Email File Transfer trigger action.

Enhancement: Added ability to manage server, host, client and PGP keys from administrative web interface.

Enhancement: Added ability to request CAPTCHA information to be entered during login.

Enhancement: Added ability to display maximum number of downloads in ad-hoc email messages.

Enhancement: Added Sql Query trigger action that allows for exporting of database queries to a CSV file.

Enhancement: Updated FTP protocol implementation to improve memory usage.

Enhancement: Added User Detail metric to reporting module that aggregates and reports on data at user level.

Enhancement: Added warning message when user attempts to connect with JSCAPE MFT Server using a version of JSCAPE MFT Server Manager that is not compatible.

Enhancement: Added support for failover synchronization of ad-hoc file transfers.

Enhancement: Improved performance for large quantities of ad-hoc file transfers.

Enhancement: Improved Java applet file transfer client.

Enhancement: Remove Upload button from web interface if upload permissions are not enabled.

Enhancement: Added ability to restrict Banned Files entries to a Path that may be recursive.

Enhancement: Added time and throughput information to logging format and various reporting metrics.

Enhancement: Improved performance of ad-hoc file transfers.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue experienced by domain administrators when trying to edit a user from the web interface.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with incorrect logo being used in web interface.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with reverse proxies mapped to a remote SFTP service that resulted in reverse proxy being unavailable.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with trading partners duplicated in user interface.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with missing Revoke and Extend button text/image in web interface.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with some SFTP uploads to server stalling at around 1GB.

Bug Fix: Miscellaneous bug fixes.


Release 8.7


Jul. 12, 2013


Enhancement: Added iOS client to Enterprise edition for use in transferring, viewing and sharing files.

Enhancement: Added support for AS2 service.

Enhancement: Added support for AS2 trading partners.

Enhancement: Added AS2 support to trading partner related trigger actions.

Enhancement: Improved SFTP service performance.

Enhancement: Improved error message returned in the event user attempts to use a previously used password that violates password compliance settings.

Enhancement: Trigger module now displays an error message in the event user tries to run a trigger that has not been saved.

Enhancement: Added Max connections/user option to Connections module.

Enhancement: Added ability to prefer AFTP protocol when using Java applet v.s. WebDAV protocol.

Enhancement: Ad-hoc file transfer passwords are now automatically trimmed to prevent validation errors during copy/paste.

Enhancement: Updated Branding URL module so that it is applied to Logout, Reset Password and Registration pages.

Enhancement: Added client REST API functions for retrieving tags.

Enhancement: Improved usability and syntax handling of functions and variables in Triggers module.

Enhancement: Added Delete On Upload/Delete On Download options to all Regex File Upload/Download trigger actions.

Enhancement: Improved resource editor in Server > Settings > Email > Resources panel.

Enhancement: Updated User and User Template panels to be more intuitive.

Enhancement: Redesigned Trading Partners user interface.

Enhancement: Added a js-triggersreport command line utility that will provide a report of all triggers, actions and settings.

Enhancement: Added support for various SHA2 MAC ciphers used in SFTP service.

Enhancement: Improved server0.log rotation logic so that it is not automatically rotated on restart.

Enhancement: Redesign of Domain Administration panels for User and User Template.

Enhancement: Added AuthenticationMethod property to User Login event.

Enhancement: Added asynchronous execution support to trigger definitions.

Bug Fix: Changed default encoding of Country attribute in server certificates from UTF8 to ASCII.

Bug Fix: Resolved zlib issue with SFTP service.

Bug Fix: Resolved a number of issues with File Transfer Command Line langage used in File Transfer Script trigger action.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where rebuilding index causes tags to be lost.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Trading Partner Rename File action.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Trading Partner Create Directory action.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where variables could not be used in the Email field for a user in a User Template.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where HTTP sessions were not properly closed.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where File Download event was fired for failed SFTP file downloads.

Bug Fix: Fixed performance issue experienced when navigating to a remote directory that is mapped to a reverse proxy when using Java applet.

Bug Fix: Updated indexing engine to prevent locking issues.

Bug Fix: The Runtime column in Triggers > Recent panel now displays updated time for running triggers.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where settings in Server > Settings > Web > Resources were not being maintained across upgrades.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue displaying large PDF files in web document viewer.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with case-insensitive user names.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with testing reverse proxy mapped to a WebDAV service.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue authenticating with SSL based LDAP service.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where user was able to tag non-existing files using REST API.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with ReplaceAll function in Triggers module.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where users are unable to download files that are tagged within a sub-directory.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where users are unable to navigate to a tagged directory.

Bug Fix: Resolved exception thrown in Aftp Create Directory action.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Trading Partner Regex File Upload action.

Bug Fix: Resolved retry issue with Trading Partner related trigger actions.



Release 8.6

Mar. 8, 2013


Enhancement: Various performance improvements to AFTP protocol.

Enhancement: Added support for specifying default selected user interface option when logging in via web interface.

Enhancement: Updated SFTP and SCP related trigger actions to use extended cipher set.

Enhancement: Updated trigger actions to allow for use of variables in all input elements.

Enhancement: Improved SSL/TLS Cipher Suites panel for FTPS and HTTPS protocols.

Enhancement: Added support for disabling CAPTCHA during web based self-registration.

Enhancement: Added ability to prioritize, pause and resume a number of trigger actions.

Enhancement: Updated web interface to automatically save virtual paths and IP access rules when changed.

Enhancement: Updated SFTP trigger actions, reverse proxies and trading partners to support extended set of ciphers.

Enhancement: Updated client web interface to provide protection against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks.

Enhancement: Updated web interface so the View icon is only enabled for those document types supported by web document viewer.

Enhancement: Updated web document viewer to display a user friendly error message in the event that a document cannot be displayed.

Enhancement: Added client REST API for use in performing file transfers, ad-hoc file transfers and contact management.

Enhancement: Added support for displaying SWF files in web document viewer.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where administrator is unable to update a Contact name in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Bug Fix: Resolved failover synchronization issues.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where REST services are not automatically started after failover synchronization.

Bug Fix: Resolved unresponsive Cancel button when deleting a Contact, URL Branding or Drop Zone via the web interface.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with canceling Check Email trigger action.

Bug Fix: Resolved class name obfuscation issues in management API.



Release 8.5

Jan. 11, 2013


Enhancement: Added REST API for use in managing JSCAPE MFT Server.

Enhancement: Added web administration interface for adding, deleting, starting, stopping and pausing domains.

Enhancement: Updated web document viewer to be automatically included as part of JSCAPE MFT Server Enterprise Edition release.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify whether ports are included in HTTP headers.

Enhancement: Added ability to tag multiple documents simultaneously via the web interface.

Enhancement: Added Run button to Directory Monitors module providing ability to run a directory monitor manually.

Enhancement: Improved performance for ad-hoc file transfers.

Enhancement: Added ability to optionally include all event properties as part of request in Http Request trigger action.

Enhancement: Automatically remove leading and trailing spaces from input fields in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager prior to saving.

Enhancement: Added ability to enable/disable display of certain sections in My Account page at User and User Template levels.

Enhancement: Added GetUserInfo function for use in trigger actions to retrieve information on a user account.

Enhancement: Added IsUserMemberOfGroup function for use in trigger actions to check if a user is a member of a group.

Enhancement: Updated Key Manager to prompt user to save keys if they attempt to exit Key Manager with unsaved changes.

Enhancement: Added optional Reply To field in Send Email action.

Enhancement: Updated client web interface in steps towards 508c compliance.

Enhancement: Numerous usability updates to Java applet used in web interface.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with virtual paths being duplicated when a domain administrator adds a user via web interface.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with users being unable to use WebDAV/Java applet when username contain @ symbol.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with saving directory monitors.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with LDAP authentication modules where LDAP port value was overridden with LDAP timeout value.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with js-adduser command line utility where user password change rights were not matching that of the template used.

Bug Fix: Updated regular expression for US SSN to prevent identifying certain credit card data as US SSN.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with password history not working correctly in some unique cases.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with PGP encrypted virtual directories not working correctly.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with importing and using PGP public keys.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with default web view for accounts.

Bug Fix: Resolved issues in Zip Directory and System Configuration Backup actions that resulted in invalid ZIP archives being created.

Bug Fix: Resolved internal error message when trying to add a virtual path via web interface.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue experienced in some accounts requiring a password change on first time login.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Ad Hoc File Transfer action where incorrect port value of 0 may be used if value is set but email.url.port value is not set.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where incorrect error message displayed if user is denied access due to user level IP Access rules.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where changes made by a domain administrator to the "Allow password change" option for an account are not saved when updating user via web interface.



Release 8.4

Aug. 14, 2012


Enhancement: Major upgrade to the JSCAPE MFT Server Manager user interface in order to more effectively support multiple domains and reduce overall memory and CPU consumption.

Enhancement: Added automatic ssl.cfg update to work with graphical installers using IBM JVM.

Enhancement: Added optional expiration date to ad-hoc file transfers allowing users to send non-expiring ad-hoc file transfers.

Enhancement: Added ability for users to register for new accounts using the web interface.

Enhancement: Improved update process so that customizations made to language files are not lost during an upgrade.

Enhancement: Added optional argument to specify a user template when using the js-adduser command line utility.

Enhancement: Added ability to test SMTP server settings and send a test email message.

Enhancement: Improved error message displayed when invalid credentials are entered and manual synchronization is performed.

Enhancement: Improved firewall support for remote JMX sessions providing settings for both server and registry ports.

Enhancement: Various performance enhancements made to the AFTP protocol.

Enhancement: Changed "Monitor interval (sec)" field for directory monitors to be optional allowing for directory monitors to be run on demand or on a scheduled basis using the newly added Run Directory Monitor trigger action.

Enhancement: Several updates to the Java applet user interface.

Enhancement: Various performance enhancements to SFTP protocol.

Enhancement: Updated triggers module to retain recent trigger history regardless of whether changes are made to triggers.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where some command line utilities would raise an exception when used in combination with custom trigger actions.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where user was unable to resume a canceled file transfer in Java applet window.

Bug Fix: Resolved issues experienced with reverse proxies when "Map current local directory to remote directory" option was enabled.

Bug Fix: Resolved variable expansion issue experienced in the email.lostpassword.body and email.lostpassword.subject resource properties.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where PGP keys exported from JSCAPE MFT Server cannot be imported into GnuPG 2.x.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where failover IP substitution does not work correctly under automatic synchronization.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue in Convert File trigger action where UNIX to MS-DOS conversions were not working correctly.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where adding a duplicate account via JSCAPE MFT Server Manager correctly results in an error message but incorrectly lists duplicate account in users list.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where "Current connections" and "Total connections since start" values reported by JSCAPE MFT Server Manager are corrupted from incoming WebDAV connections.


Release 8.3

May 9, 2012


Enhancement: Added support for streaming compression to AFTP protocol.

Enhancement: Added ability to use search results as argument to a report.

Enhancement: Added ability to re-run a report.

Enhancement: Updated syntax for functions to be consistent across trigger conditions and actions parameters.

Enhancement: Added GetPathSeparator function in triggers module to return the OS specific path separator used.

Enhancement: Disabled form auto-complete in web interface for sensitive fields.

Enhancement: Updated login and account reset password error messages to prevent attackers from trying to guess valid usernames.

Enhancement: Added HttpOnly flag to session cookie to prevent session information from being potentially exposed to scripts.

Enhancement: Added input validation for all fields in web interface to prevent potential XSS attacks.

Enhancement: Added old password verification when changing password via web interface, requiring that users enter their old password to set a new password.

Enhancement: New session ID is now generated after login when using web interface.

Enhancement: Exposed syslog service descriptor in management API.

Enhancement: Added check to prevent importing of certificates into key manager without a valid matching private key.

Enhancement: Improved memory consumption in Java applet and improved progress monitor when transferring directories.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with DLP module that could release files that have been modified but not yet re-indexed.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where user could not rename a file if download permissions were not granted.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue in SFTP protocol where IP may be blocked but user is still able to perform authentication attempts using an existing connection.

Bug Fix: Resolved memory leak issue when performing failover synchronization.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with potential socket timeouts in automatic failover synchronization.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue of uploading files to server over SCP using wildcards.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue when using shared review capabilities in Acrobat Pro with WebDAV service.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue of no data being presented when generating report using same start date and end date arguments.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue regarding use of variables in email.password.subject property when performing ad-hoc file transfers.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with FTPS protocol where if download permission is not granted and user attempts to download a file a data connection channel is never opened by server resulting in data channel timeout by some clients.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Run Process action hanging when using Windows powershell script.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where the "Uploaded since start" value displayed in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager is incorrectly incremented by two for each file uploaded when using SFTP protocol.

Bug Fix: Resolved potential memory issue experienced when using verbose database logging.

Bug Fix: Resolved authentication issue experienced when connecting to ApacheDS LDAP service.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with potential incorrect remote directory used in Trading Partner Regex File Download action.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with IP/host not being properly saved when making changes to JMX settings.

Bug Fix: Resolved text label issue with dialog displayed in IE when attempting to overwrite an existing file.



Release 8.2

Feb. 20, 2012


Enhancement: Added support for listing available domains in a domain drop-down field when logging in via web interface.

Enhancement: Added AFTP file transfer actions to triggers module.

Enhancement: Added check to see whether a private key is in use before allowing key to be deleted from Key Manager.

Enhancement: Added sessionid variable which reports a unique session ID for user operations that are part of a user session.  The sessionid variable is available for use in triggers module.

Enhancement: Added GetFileExists and GetFileSize functions to triggers module.  These functions may be used to check whether a file exists and it's size.

Enhancement: Updated progress dialog from modal to non-modal.

Enhancement: Added ability to pause/resume in Running log view.

Enhancement: Added labels to date fields specifying expected date format.

Enhancement: Added support for PEM and PKCS#8 formats when exporting a private client key.

Enhancement: Added ability to export private server keys.

Enhancement: Added "none" to default list of supported compression types for SFTP service.

Update: Removed support for Flash uploads.  All uploads are now performed using native file upload capabilities of browser.

Bug Fix: Resolved file locking issue in AFTP service.

Bug Fix: Resolved error with Chrome and IE browsers connecting using SSL.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Sftp File Upload action when Overwrite If File Exists option is enabled.

Bug Fix: Resolve line termination issue for directory listings when using FTP/S protocols.

Bug Fix: Resolved lexical processing error experienced with web upload form variables used in trigger conditions.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue experience when sending email to/from long email addresses.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with incorrectly reported Current transfers value as reported in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue in Ftp Regex File Download action that would attempt to download a matching directory.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with importing SSH public keys.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with non-existing file being returned in directory listings.


Release 8.1

Jan. 14, 2012


Enhancement: Complete rewrite of the AFTP protocol providing for accelerated file transfers over high latency networks.

Enhancement: Added support for password policies when generating passwords for ad-hoc email file transfers.

Enhancement: Updated UI for trading partners module.

Enhancement: Added ability to create a drop zone from the management API.

Enhancement: Added support for multi-word phrases when tagging files via web interface.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify what SSL/TLS protocols are used.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify a footer message that is appended to all ad-hoc email file transfers.

Enhancement: Added support for limiting what top level domains (TLD) and/or email addresses an ad-hoc email file transfer may be sent to.

Enhancement: Added additional reporting to activity log showing when a trigger is queued and finished.

Enhancement: Added host key verification support to FTPS, SFTP and SCP related actions and trading partners module.

Enhancement: Redesigned Key Manager and added section for managing host keys.

Update: Updated license agreement removing SaaS usage restriction.

Bug Fix: Resolved gradual memory leak experienced often over several weeks.

Bug Fix: Resolved CPU utilization issue when connecting to web server using IE 9 browser.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where a trigger will not fire and nothing is reported to the log in cases where maximum trigger resource limit is reached.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with dialog disappearing after uploading a file using a drop zone.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with JMX service not properly releasing port when JMX service is disabled.



Release 8.0
Sep. 1, 2011


Enhancement: Added DLP (data loss prevention) module available in Enterprise edition.

Enhancement: Redesign of Logging module to provide more visibility into user activity.

Enhancement: Added support for OpenPGP encrypted virtual directories.

Enhancement: Added support for multiple administrators.

Enhancement: Improved memory performance for directory monitors.

Enhancement: Improved memory performance for search indexing.

Enhancement: Added ability to send passwords for ad-hoc file transfers out-of-band.

Enhancement: Added support for selecting multiple files for upload when using HTML user interface.

Enhancement: Added ability to extend scope of Banned Files module to include directories.

Enhancement: Implemented various usability and performance enhancements to user interface in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager application.

Enhancement: Added ability to create contacts while creating an ad-hoc file transfer.

Enhancement: Added Trading Partner Directory Upload Synchronization and Trading Partner Directory Download Synchronization actions.

Enhancement: Added passive setting for Directory Upload Synchronization and Directory Download Synchronization actions.

Enhancement: Added support for IPv6 addresses in web services.

Enhancement: Added ability to move files and folders on server using drag and drop.

Enhancement: Added a Disable Inactive Accounts action.

Enhancement: Added column sorting support to Recent tab in Triggers module.

Enhancement: Added ability to force a user to change their password upon first login via web interface.

Enhancement: Added optional Time Expression dialog for use in creating scheduled triggers when using Current Time event.

Enhancement: Updated a number of file transfer related actions in Triggers module moving advanced connection parameters to an Advanced tab.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue where AFTP UDP and AFTP TCP services could not listen on the same port.


Release 7.2

Apr. 18, 2011


Enhancement - Added experimental AFTP (Accelerated File Transfer Protocol) service designed to provide file transfers over low latency networks using UDP or TCP protocols.

Enhancement - Added support for SCP protocol to SFTP service.

Enhancement - Added status of domain next to domain node.

Enhancement - Added ability to pause a domain in order to stop accepting new connections.

Enhancement - Added js-copyusers utility that allows for copying or migrating users from one domain to another

Enhancement - Added ability to specify a private key for for SFTP Reverse Proxy and client certificate for FTPS Reverse Proxy.

Enhancement - Added server.vmoptions to System Configuration Backup action

Enhancement - Added a js-importcontacts utility for importing contacts

Enhancement - Added NewAccount attribute to Account Updated event in order to detect when a new account is created

Enhancement - Added js-pausedomain in order to stop accepting new connections

Enhancement - Added js-resumedomain to resume accepting new connections

Enhancement - Added ability to view and manage previous ad-hoc file transfers from the web user interface

Enhancement - Added ability to perform an orderly server shutdown

Enhancement - Added ability to specify whether existing files should be overwritten when uploading files to a drop zone

Change - Default service type to explicit SSL when adding a new FTP service

Bug Fix - Fixed issue where condition expression was rewritten when saved

Bug Fix - Fixed issue where triggers could be created without using a unique name.

Bug Fix - Fixed documentation issue in Trading Partners module

Bug Fix - Fixed required field error in File > Settings > Email section of JSCAPE MFT Server Manager

Bug Fix - Fixed issue with Run Process action where double quotes are not stripped before passing argument to executing program

Bug Fix - Fixed issue where Banned Files are banned from upload but not from renaming.


Release 7.1

Nov. 14, 2010


Enhancement: Redesign and improved usability of condition builder in triggers module.

Enhancement: Added context sensitive help to triggers module for events, event variables, actions and functions.

Enhancement: Added contact management capabilities for use in ad-hoc file transfers.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify IP Access restrictions at user level.

Enhancement: Added ability to view/manage active sessions for all protocols.

Enhancement: Added multiple concurrent file transfer support to Java applet interface.

Enhancement: Added Company attribute to user accounts.

Enhancement: Added API support for managing remote directories.

Enhancement: Added File Upload Quota Exceeded, File Download Quota Exceeded and File Transfer Quota Exceeded events that are fired when a transfer quota is exceeded.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify an optional command to be executed on remote FTP/S servers after login but prior to action execution for FTP/S related actions and trading partner definitions.

Enhancement: Added Twitter actions for sending direct messages and status updates.

Enhancement: Added ability to set session TTL for HTTP/S sessions.

Enhancement: Updated web interface so that Domain field is automatically populated in Lost Password screen if “Default domain” option is enabled.

Enhancement: Updated custom action API to support context sensitive help.

Enhancement: Updated tag cloud to be sorted in descending order.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify whether adaptive connection is used and whether subsystem reply is required in SFTP reverse proxy and SFTP action definitions.

Update: Renamed product to JSCAPE MFT Server to better reflect product capabilities.

Update: Replaced evaluation license with community license and changed limitations of community license to support up to 5 users/connections and 1 domain with all other functionality enabled.

Update: Changed reverse proxy definition to load optional private key used in SFTP and FTPS protocols from a file rather than load from “Server Keys” module.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where trigger would not show up with Failed status under Recent tab of triggers module when using an invalid function definition.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue where datastore location could not be changed for a domain.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with drop zones where uploading to a drop zone may not upload to the correct directory.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with user passwords that contained a % character.

Bug Fix: Added missing image to Manage Tags button in web interface.

Bug Fix: Removed .svn directories from product distribution.


Release 7.0

Aug. 18, 2010


Enhancement: Added ability to tag/search documents with keywords using the web interface for improved searching.

Enhancement: Added ability to store the credentials for remote systems using a new admin module called Trading Partners.

Enhancement: Added ability to retry outgoing emails if failure occurs initially.

Enhancement: Added ability to allow a user to belong to more than one group.

Enhancement: Added ability to allow a user to connect to a different JSCAPE MFT Server without having to stop/start the JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Enhancement: Added ability to list & enable/disable users using the command line API.

Enhancement: Added ability to stop an administrator being able to delete their own account.

Enhancement: Added ability to manage large numbers of users via the GUI without sacrificing performance.

Enhancement: Added ability to import existing public keys and have them automatically converted to X.509 format.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with API Doc and actual functionality being out of sync for AbstractAction.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Trigger concurrency limit now set per trigger and not across all triggers as previously.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Automatic login no longer working.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Default connection being overwritten, rather it should add a new connection to the list when adding a connection.


Release 6.6

Jun. 7, 2010


Enhancement: Added ability to check disk quota before a file upload (web interface) to ensure that disk quota will not be exceeded.

Enhancement: Added ability to store the last login date for a user.

Enhancement: Added ability to migrate changed text labels (web interface) so that they also appear post-upgrade.

Enhancement: Added ability to access the server version number as a function in trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added ability to access the user group as a function in trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added ability to access the users root directory as a function in trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added ability to disable a user account as an action.

Enhancement: Added ability to define global parameters available to all trigger actions as a function.

Enhancement: Added ability to limit the number of concurrent triggers.

Enhancement: Added ability to print a report of all users and their attributes.

Enhancement: Added ability to list inactive/active users via the management API.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify a Secondary LDAP server for failover authentication purposes.

Enhancement: Added ability to remove an IP from IP Access list without domain restart.

Enhancement: Added option to specify if a remote file should overwritten (web interface).

Enhancement: Added ability to run a report showing expiring encryption keys.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify domains to startup on initialization.

Enhancement: Added ability to synchronize sub-folders when synchronizing directories in Directory Upload Synchronization and Directory Download Synchronization actions.

Enhancement: Added ability to set user permissions via the command line in js-adduser, js-adduserdir, js-addgroup and js-addgroupdir utilities.

Enhancement: Added ability to disable/resume file upload operation.

Enhancement: Added ability to cancel an upload when viewing a form.

Enhancement: Added ability to ensure that a user has download access before sending an email

Enhancement: Added ability to upload files anonymously using a Drop Zones module.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify multiple custom logos at a domain level using URL Branding module.

Enhancement: Added option to specify a section (Storage or My Account) to redirect users to upon login (web interface).

Enhancement: Added option to confirm overwriting existing files within applet.

Enhancement: Changed behavior of IP Access Rules Updated and IP Blocked events so that events are only fired if IP does not already exist in IP Access list..

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with missing comments against some API's.


Release 6.5

Mar. 31, 2010


Enhancement: Added js-passwd command line utility for use in changing account passwords.

Enhancement: Added ability to see recent (last 1000) trigger executions

Enhancement: Added ability to pass original event information to Trigger Error event using variables and Trigger Error Message field.

Enhancement: Added ability to enable/disable ad-hoc email at the domain level.

Update: Removed update of directory monitor quotas when uploading/deleting files in order to avoid potential performance issues related to quota synchronization.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Check Email action where unique message ID used in storing messages contained illegal filename characters.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue experienced when using Adobe Flash upload component in Internet Explorer browser.



Jan. 18, 2010


Enhancement: Added ability to use built-in functions within trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added ability to limit the user interface options available when using web client.

Enhancement: Added Login.FOOTER variable to File > Settings > Web > Resources for use in defining a footer in login page.

Enhancement: Added Zip Regex File action for use in creating ZIP file based on regular expression.

Enhancement: Added ability to define multiple connection settings in File > Settings > Connection panel for use in managing many remote servers.

Enhancement: Added restart script to server.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with files not being properly overwritten when using SFTP reverse proxy.

Bug Fix: Fixed NullPointerException error experienced when upgrading previous version.



Dec. 15, 2009


Enhancement: Added ability to specify banned files for upload.

Enhancement: Added ability to limit days of week and times that users may connect.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify continue argument without specifying login credentials when integrating web interface with external applications.

Enhancement: Added ability to password protect ad-hoc email links.

Enhancement: Removed requirement for specifying user account password in Ad Hoc Email File Transfer action.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with ad-hoc email hostname used when server is installed in NAT environment.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with ad-hoc email links becoming invalid if user changes account password.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with creating reports.



Nov. 17, 2009


Enhancement: Added upgrade wizard to GUI installer.

Enhancement: Added Rename permissions flag to virtual directories.

Enhancement: Improved parsing of ssl.cfg file.

Update: Changed private client key export so that both keystore and key are password protected.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with 0 bytes of data being reported in log file for ASCII downloads.

Bug Fix: Resolved line termination issue with directory listing commands in FTP/S protocols.


Release 6.2.0

Nov. 9, 2009


Enhancement: Added ability to specify link expiration range when performing ad-hoc email file transfers via web interface.

Enhancement: Improved performance for updating directory monitor and bandwidth quotas.

Enhancement: Added ability to require secondary level of authentication using client certificates in HTTP/S and WebDAV/S protocols.

Enhancement: Added ability to set cipher strength used in SSL protocols.

Enhancement: Added "Server name" field to File > Settings > Web panel.  This may be used to specify an alternative host name when server is behind a NAT protected firewall in order to prevent leaking of internal IP information.

Enhancement: Added Ad Hoc Email File Transfer action for performing ad-hoc email file transfers programmatically.

Bug Fix: Resolved issue with temporary files not being deleted that were created during indexing of PDF documents.



Oct. 16, 2009


Enhancement: Added ability to specify a continue parameter in automatic login via URL.

Update: Added JavaDoc for Action and AbstractAction classes.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with SSL and LDAP authentication modules.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with phone authentication module.



Oct. 5, 2009


Enhancement: Added ability to execute Current Time event triggers on demand.

Update: Changed maximum timeout values for FTP/S and SFTP protocols to 999 minutes.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with public key authentication in SFTP protocol.



Sep. 28, 2009


Enhancement: Added Copy Regex File and Move Regex File trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added Tar Directory action for creating a TAR archive of a directory.

Enhancement: Added Append File action for appending messages to a file.

Enhancement: Updated all SFTP related actions so that password is optional, providing support for password-less public key authentication.

Enhancement: Added ability to disable a trigger.

Enhancement: Updated Maximum password age field in Compliance panel to support up to 999 days.

Enhancement: Added ability to retrieve event variables within custom action code.

Enhancement: Added ability to sign and view signatures for OpenPGP keys.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify a hostname in Passive IP field allowing for IP resolution when using a dynamic IP.

Enhancement: Added Ftp Rename File, Ftps Rename File and Sftp Rename File trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added Ftp Create Directory, Ftps Create Directory and Sftp Create Directory trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify JDBC connection pool size and time-to-live for connections in Database Log and DB Datastore modules.

Enhancement: Added ability to select multiple files for upload in HTML user interface using optional Flash plug-in.

Enhancement: Added ability to automatically start domain/services on failover server after synchronization.

Enhancement: Added additional information to server log to detect source of failed user authentications.

Enhancement: Added ability to set expected successful return code(s) using a regular expression in Run Process trigger action.

Update: Changed logging level for client read timeout messages so they only show up in log with FINE logging level enabled.

Update: Changed "Test parameters" functionality in LDAP Query Authentication module to check filter parameters in addition to user authentication.

Update: Changed default setting for ""Create account if not found" option in various authentication modules to enabled.

Update: Various updates to API JavaDoc.

Update: Changed behavior in Failover module so that production server will startup even if failover server is down.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with NTLM Authentication settings not being displayed properly when using multiple domains.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with improper server response to EPSV command.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Delete Files Older Than property in Delete Files trigger action.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with with logos not being updated properly in IE browser when using multiple domains with different logos.


Release 6.0

July 27, 2009


Enhancement: Added support for document (MS Word, Excel, PDF, text, HTML) indexing and searching via web interface.

Enhancement: Added ability to bypass password aging compliance at user level.

Enhancement: Added PGP fingerprint information to PGP view dialog.

Enhancement: Added ability to resize all dialogs in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Enhancement: Added ability for users to generate public keys for use in public key authentication (SFTP) from web interface.

Enhancement: Added number of files deleted information to log when executing Delete Files action.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with trigger flow when one or more actions fail.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with "Browse subdirs" directory permissions.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with File Upload event not being fired when using UNC paths.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with password change reminder being sent at wrong time.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with regular expressions in Delete Files action.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with automatic inactivity logout dialogs in web interface.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with copying User/Group in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with editing virtual path that uses a reverse proxy.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with User Login event fired when login fails.


Release 5.2

Jun. 2, 2009


Enhancement: Added support for submitting custom form data when uploading files via HTML user interface.

Enhancement: Added ability to set syslog facility.

Enhancement: Added integration support for JSCAPE Web Document Viewer product.  This product allows users to view documents on the server using a web based embedded document viewer.

Enhancement: Added integration support for JSCAPE MFT Server Plugin for Outlook.  This product allows users to perform ad-hoc email file transfers directly from Outlook email clients.

Enhancement: Added ability to copy a group.

Enhancement: Added ability to copy a user.

Enhancement: Added IPv6 support for all protocols.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with File Upload event being fired twice when using a reverse proxy.

Bug Fix: Fixed path editing issue in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with trigger action information being lost during upgrade.



Release 5.1

Mar. 30, 2009


Enhancement: Added support for enabling/disabling passive transfers in all FTP/FTPS related trigger actions.

Enhancement: Added retry interval property to all file transfer trigger actions to define the wait period before retrying a file transfer.

Enhancement: Added extension field to phone number.

Enhancement: Changed variable in File > Settings > Email > Resources of JSCAPE MFT Server Manager to use user's real name.

Enhancement: Added UsernameEmail and UsernameName variables to all trigger events that have Username variable.  These events allow for retrieval of the user's email address and real name respectively.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in WebDAV protocol and Java Applet with properly escaping filenames.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in that server was using random source port instead of expected port 20 for non-passive transfers.

Bug Fix: Fixed NullPointerException experienced when using Database Query Authentication module.

Bug Fix: Fixed append issue experienced when using SFTP protocol.



Release 5.0

Feb. 23rd, 2009


Enhancement: Improved performance for PGP encryption and decryption actions.

Enhancement: Added token-less two-factor authentication support.

Enhancement: Improved performance for directory monitors.

Enhancement: Added ability to define a file latency period for a directory monitor.

Enhancement: Added ability to assign a directory monitor to a user.

Enhancement: Added check for whether file is being currently written to in a directory monitor.

Enhancement: Added ability to view bandwidth quotas and directory monitor quotas for a user via web interface.

Enhancement: Added built-in support for Spanish, French, German and Russian to web interface.

Enhancement: Updated LDAP Query Authentication module to support using different LDAP user credentials for authentication and search.

Enhancement: Added js-sendmessage command line utility for emailing all accounts for a domain.

Enhancement: Updated custom authentication API to support validation of client IP address.

Change: Updated system requirements to JVM 1.5 and above.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with not returning error when creating a directory that already exists using FTP/S or SFTP protocols.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with setting bandwidth quotas under Professional license type.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Run Process trigger action.


Release 4.5

Jan. 26th, 2009


Enhancement: Added ability to hide domain and/or specify default domain used in web interface.

Enhancement: Added ability to accept multiple delivery addresses in ad-hoc email file transfer module.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue experienced when installing only the JSCAPE MFT Server Manager component using GUI installer.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with setting user bandwidth quotas under Professional edition.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with expiration date information sent in password reminders.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with resuming file transfers in SFTP protocol.


Release 4.4

Dec. 26, 2008


Enhancement: Added Delete Accounts action to Triggers module for deleting expired or disabled accounts.

Enhancement: Added email address to manage users view in web interface.

Bug Fix: Fixed email notification service so is used if entered.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with PGP encrypting/decrypting files.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Send Email action throwing a NullPointerException.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with backuplog command line utility.

Bug Fix: Fixed API so that ssl.cfg is used when using JVM other than that provided by Sun Microsystems.


Release 4.3

Nov. 14, 2008


Enhancement: Added NTLM authentication support.

Change: Renamed example dsa and rsa keys to example_dsa and example_rsa.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with MD5 and SHA1 hashes generated when using MD5Hasher and SHA1Hasher classes in authentication modules.


Release 4.2

Nov. 7, 2008


Enhancement: Added optional syslog reporting support.

Enhancement: Added js-ipaccess command line utility to manage IP access list.

Enhancement: Increased maximum available retry limits in FTP, FTPS and SFTP file transfer trigger actions from 3 to 9.

Enhancement: Change server behavior so adding or deleting an IP access rule does not require a domain restart.

Enhancement: Added regular expression support for event integer values when creating trigger conditions.

Enhancement: Added ability to set domain administration rights when creating a user template.

Enhancement: Added PAM Authentication module to support authenticating users against native UNIX user databases.

Enhancement: Improved ease of use for entering IP addresses when defining services.

Enhancement: Added ability to automatically unblock an IP address after a certain period of time of being blocked due to too many unsuccessful logins.

Enhancement: Added ability to automatically re-enable an account after a certain period of time of being disabled due to too many unsuccessful logins.

Bug Fix: Fixed trigger timeout issue where if an action ran for more than an hour subsequent actions would not be processed.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with password policies not being enforced when creating users via web user interface.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with creating a directory, renaming files or emailing multiple files in HTML user interface when using Windows Vista and IE7.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in js-adduser command line utility.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in js-adduserdir command line utility.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with being unable to download files via HTML user interface that contain special characters.

Bug Fix: Fixed performance issue experienced when assigning accounts to a group.

Bug Fix: In File > Settings > Email panel of JSCAPE MFT Server Java Management API client keys were listed instead of OpenPGP keys.

Bug Fix: Fixed memory issue experienced when adding more than 25 domains.



Release 4.1

Jul. 21, 2008



Enhancement: Updated behavior of ManagerSubsystem.addAccount to throw an exception if the account already exists and added ManagerSubsystem.setAccount method for use in overwriting an existing account.

Enhancement: Updated PGP Encrypt File and PGP Decrypt File actions to allow specifying a destination directory or file.

Enhancement: Added Name property to all Directory Monitor File related events to contain filename.

Enhancement: Added ability to automatically redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS.

Enhancement: Added default log and datastore directories when creating a domain.

Enhancement: Added js-deldomain command line utility.

Enhancement: Changed default SSH version banner displayed to SFTP clients.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with automatic startup process on Mac OS X platforms.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with saving users with all password compliance options enabled.

Bug Fix: Fixed behavior of "Block IP after" option found in Connections node of JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.  Change has been made so that client connection is closed before blocking client IP address.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with directory listings returned when hosting server on Mac OS X platform.

Bug Fix: Fixed virtual folder permissions issue experienced when multiple virtual folders are assigned to a single user and virtual folders share a common path.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with clients that request key re-exchange for long SFTP file transfers.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with being unable to add users or reset passwords when password policies are enabled.


Release 4.0

Jun. 18, 2008


Enhancement: Added ability for users to reset lost password via web interface.

Enhancement: Improved GUI implementation for managing PGP keys.

Enhancement: Added web based account management features allowing user to change their own contact information.

Enhancement: Added ability to assign users limited domain administration capabilities via web interface.

Enhancement: Added support for Linux Z/OS platform.

Enhancement: Added ability to create user templates.

Enhancement: Updated Add Group and Edit Group dialogs to allow for selection of a Reverse Proxy.
Enhancement: Added js-adddomain command line utility to add a domain.

Enhancement: Added js-addserviceftp command line utility to add FTP service.
Enhancement: Added js-addservicesftp command line utility to add SFTP service.
Enhancement: Added js-addservicehttp command line utility to add HTTP and HTTPS services.
Enhancement: Added js-addservicewebdav command line utility to add WebDAV service.

Enhancement: Added js-importusers command line utility to perform bulk import of users from CSV file.
Enhancement: Added js-enablehttp command line utility to enable HTTP service.
Enhancement: Added js-enablehttps command line utility to enable HTTPS service.
Enhancement: Added js-startdomain command line utility to start domain.
Enhancement: Added js-stopdomain command line utility to stop domain.

Change: Renamed Resources node in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager to Reverse Proxies.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with password compliance settings being applied globally instead of at domain level.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with not being able to accept HTTP/S connections when running server on Windows Vista platform.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with not being able to view reports when running server on Windows Vista platform.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with SFTP service being unable to accept connections from older SFTP clients that use 1.99 as the software version in SSH client banner.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with SFTP service being unable to accept uploads for non-existent files using some older SFTP clients.



Release 3.8

Feb. 12, 2008


Enhancement: Added support for IBM JVM 1.4.2 and above.

Enhancement: Added support for AIX 5.x and 6.1 platforms.

Enhancement: Improved auto-start documentation and example SMF script for Solaris platforms.

Enhancement: Added support for ZLIB compression in SFTP protocol.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify send and receive buffer sizes for FTP/S and SFTP protocols.

Enhancement: Added ability to define password policies.

Enhancement: Added several command line utilities for managing users.

Enhancement: Added ability to perform on-demand synchronization of server configuration and account data.

Enhancement: Added atomic file writing support when updating server configuration and account data.

Enhancement: Added support for multiple management connections.

Enhancement: Added ability to limit connections to administrative service based on client IP address.

Bug Fix: Fixed drive sorting bug found in Java applet interface.


Release 3.7

Dec. 28, 2007


Enhancement: Added ability define transfer quotas at the user level.

Enhancement: Added LocalDir event properties to any server events which have LocalPath event property.

Enhancement: Added User Password Changed event to detect when user changes their password.

Enhancement: Added ability to retrieve additional information from database query for use in setting up user in Database Query Authentication module.

Enhancement: Added support for WebDAV resources.

Enhancement: Added ability to run reports using a username filter.

Enhancement: Added ability to define enabled SSL ciphers for FTPS, HTTPS and secure WebDAV services.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with FTP/S service returning 0 bytes in response to SIZE filename command if file did not exist.

Bug Fix: Changed response code from 151 to 150 for passive data transfers in response to LIST command which caused a problem with some FTP/S clients.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue experienced when uploading large ASCII files.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with saving settings for LDAP Query Authentication module.

Bug Fix: Fixed memory leak experienced in WebDAV service.

Bug Fix: Fixed SQL and LDAP injection vulnerability found when using Database Query Authentication or LDAP Query Authentication modules.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with establishing a data connection to client using different source IP other than that of control channel.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with encryption keys used in client PGP 6.5.8.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue when uploading large recursive directories using Java applet.

Bug Fix: Fixed table sorting issue in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Bug Fix: Fixed XSS vulnerability.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with ad-hoc email downloads that only allows downloads that were part of a pre-authenticated session.

Bug Fix: Fixed error in Top Hosts reporting metric.



Release 3.6

Nov. 7, 2007


Enhancement: Added ability to create directory on server if it does not exist when creating a virtual path.

Enhancement: Added email address property to user account.  This value will be used as the default From address value when using ad-hoc email file transfers.

Enhancement: Moved various properties from WebDAV service to File > Settings > WebDAV in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Enhancement: Moved various properties from HTTP service to File > Settings > HTTP in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Enhancement: Added protocol level debugging support to Resources.

Enhancement: Moved virtual paths for user accounts to it's own tab named Paths in Edit user account dialog.

Enhancement: Added time elapsed, time remaining and transfer speed information to progress bar in HTML user interface.

Enhancement: Added wildcard support to LIST, MLST and MLSD command in FTP/S protocols.

Enhancement: Added support for MFMT and MFCT commands in FTP/S protocols.

Enhancement: Various enhancements made to WebDAV Java applet.

Enhancement: Added ability to copy an existing trigger.

Enhancement: Added ability to resume an interrupted transfer in WebDAV Java applet.

Enhancement: Added sorting capabilities to Directory Monitors, Reports, Groups and Resources sections of JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Enhancement: Added ability to disable ASCII/Binary option in HTML user interface.

Bug Fix: Fixed hanging progress bar experienced in HTML based user interface if user loses Internet connectivity during file upload.  User now receives an error message indicating that the connection was lost.

Bug Fix: Fixed data timeout channel issue experienced during large file transfer when using FTP/S protocols and non-passive connection.


Release 3.5

Oct. 22, 2007


Enhancement: Added ability to define a secondary JSCAPE MFT Server failover server to which all primary server configuration details are synchronized. Failover servers may be chained together to form a cluster.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify directory quotas when using a Directory Monitor.

Enhancement: Added asynchronous logging support to file and database logs.

Enhancement: Added Log Action option to all events that determine whether action success or failure will be logged.

Enhancement: Added optional automatic logout capabilities to HTML user interface which detects long periods of inactivity.

Enhancement: Added ability to disable showing of hotkeys on buttons in HTML user interface.

Enhancement: Added support for importing chained certificates in Key Manager.

Enhancement: Added implicit SSL support to LDAP authentication modules.

Enhancement: Added Second and Millisecond properties to all events.

Enhancement: Added File Upload Started, File Download Started, File Upload Aborted and File Download Aborted events.

Enhancement: Added list of server network interfaces to Help > About screen.

Enhancement: Added System Configuration Backup action that may be used in a trigger to backup server configuration files.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Services node in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager which displayed multiple instances of the same service.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with displaying JavaHelp contents in environments running Java 1.6.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with some browsers experienced when using ftp:// style URL to access FTP services.


Release 3.4

Sep. 12, 2007


Enhancement: Added ad-hoc email file transfer support to web interface allowing users to send emails to an email address along with web based links to selected files.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify text resources and logos independently for each domain.

Enhancement: Added domain level file transfer quotas for a user defined period of time.

Enhancement: Added MODE Z support to FTP/S protocols allowing for ZIP compressed file transfers and directory listings.

Enhancement: Added ability for users to change their account password via the web interface.

Enhancement: Added Trigger Error event that may be used for detecting and responding to failure in a trigger action.

Enhancement: Added "Prompt for password on connect" option to File > Settings > Connection panel which requires that user provide administrative password when launching JSCAPE MFT Server Manager client or when connecting using API.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in Send Email action where From and To fields were swapped when sending an email.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with PGP encryption keys where files encrypted using public keys imported from 3rd party PGP clients could not always be decrypted by those PGP clients.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in 3.3 release where IE displayed error when trying to download files via HTTPS.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in HTTP and WebDAV services where domain was reported as stopped even though it was running.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue experienced when generating certificate signing requests in Key Manager.


Release 3.3

Jul. 27, 2007


Enhancement: Added ability to generate certificate signing request (CSR) using Key Manager.

Enhancement: Added password hashing support to Database Query Authentication and LDAP Query Authentication services.

Enhancement: Added ability to forcefully disconnect and optionally disable an active user session/account using Kick User button in Users node.

Enhancement: Added ability for users to change their password using FTP or FTPS protocols.

Enhancement: Added ability to authenticate users using Custom User Authentication API.

Enhancement: Added ability to sort users by name, login or connection status.

Enhancement: Added support for PGP keys in Key Manager.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify SFTP/SSH version information in Services > SFTP panel.

Enhancement: Updated PGP related actions to use keys found in Key Manager.

Enhancement: Removed Send PGP Email action and incorporated PGP email operations into existing Send Email action.

Enhancement: Removed PGP Sign File action and incorporated file signing into PGP Encrypt File action.

Enhancement: Removed PGP Verify File action and incorporated signature verification into PGP Decrypt File action.

Enhancement: Added compression and PEM output support to PGP Encrypt File action.

Enhancement: Added requirement to bind public keys to users when using SFTP/SSH protocol combined with public-key authentication.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in HTML user interface to prevent users from being able to view cached version of directory listing after clicking "Logout".

Bug Fix: Fixed issue experienced in IE7 HTML user interface when clicking on "Add" or "Remove" buttons.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue experienced with setting passive port range.


Release 3.2.5

Jun. 30, 2007


Enhancement: Updated jscape init.d script to support SUSE, Ubuntu and RedHat operating systems.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue experienced with WS_FTP client when using SFTP protocol.

Bug Fix: Fixed potential file corruption issue experienced when uploading file using SFTP protocol.

Bug Fix: Improved FTP/S protocols so that command channel timeout is not observed when client is performing a file transfer.


Release 3.2

Jun. 27, 2007


Enhancement: Added "Cancel" button to HTML file transfer user interface allowing users to cancel file uploads.

Enhancement: Updated Java Applet to include graphical buttons for performing basic actions such as Rename, Delete, Create Directory etc.

Enhancement: Updated HTML user interface to display file sizes in more user friendly format.

Enhancement: Added customizable "Add" and "Remove" text next to add and remove buttons in HTML user interface.

Enhancement: Added customizable "Logged in as" text to web user interface.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with renaming files in HTML user interface when using IE.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with multiple domains using database resources.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue where editing an action in a trigger could cause improper re-ordering of actions.


Release 3.1

May 27, 2007


Enhancement: Added support for WebDAV service.

Enhancement: Added Java applet client to web interface.

Enhancement: Updated look and feel of HTML based user interface.

Enhancement: Added Directory Monitors feature to monitor one or more local directories for changes.

Enhancement: Updated authentication panels in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager to give user more flexibility in specifying default login directory.

Enhancement: Added support for AES and other ciphers to SFTP protocol.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify Logout URL for HTTP services at domain level.

Enhancement: Added several new trigger event variables for capturing date/time and domain name.

Enhancement: Added a new Run Process action that can be used in a trigger to execute local processes.

Enhancement: Updated Delete Directory action, adding ability to specify that only files older than a certain age be deleted.

Enhancement: Improved performance for file uploads.

Enhancement: Added source-code API examples to the api-examples directory of JSCAPE MFT Server installation directory.

Enhancement: Added more text properties to File > Settings > Web > Resource panel.

Change: Changed license key format.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with SFTP clients connecting using unsupported protocol version.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with importing SSH keys generated using ssh-keygen command.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with virtual directories containing invalid characters such as * and ?.


Release 3.0

April 9, 2007


Enhancement: Added support for SFTP (FTP over SSH) service.

Enhancement: Added support for client SSL certificates for use in FTPS (FTP over SSL) services.

Enhancement: Added DMZ support using Resources.

Enhancement: Added Directory Download Synchronization action.  This action allows users to synchronize local directories with remote FTP/FTPS/SFTP resources.

Enhancement: Added Directory Upload Synchronization action.  This action allows users to synchronize remote FTP/FTPS/SFTP resources with a local directory.

Enhancement: Added Ftp Delete Directory and Ftp Delete File actions for deleting directories and files on remote FTP servers.

Enhancement: Added Ftps Delete Directory and Ftps Delete File actions for deleting directories and files on remote FTP servers using FTPS (FTP over SSL).

Enhancement: Added Sftp Delete Directory and Sftp Delete File actions for deleting directories and files on remote SSH servers using SFTP (FTP over SSH).

Enhancement: Added Ftp Regex File Upload and Ftp Regex File Download actions for transferring files to/from FTP server using a regular expression.

Enhancement: Added Ftps Regex File Upload and Ftps Regex File Download actions for transferring files to/from FTP server using a regular expression and FTPS (FTP over SSL).

Enhancement: Added Sftp Regex File Upload and Sftp Regex File Download actions for transferring files to/from SSH server using a regular expression and SFTP (FTP over SSH).

Enhancement: Added Send PGP Email action for sending OpenPGP encrypted email messages.

Enhancement: Added Zip Directory action for compressing the contents of a directory into a zip archive.

Enhancement: Added Run Report action for re-running an existing report.

Enhancement: Modified Check Email action to automatically verify/decrypt OpenPGP encrypted email messages.

Enhancement: Updated Copy Directory action allowing users to specify the level of copy performed.

Enhancement: Updated Delete Directory action allowing users to specify the level of delete performed.

Enhancement: Updated Send Email action allowing for sending of email using secure SSL encrypted connection.

Enhancement: Updated Send Email action to include optional receipt notification upon recipient opening email message.

Enhancement: Changed Add Domain process so that services are automatically started after adding a domain.

Enhancement: Changed File > Settings > Connection panel so connection is automatically established upon changing connection parameters.

Enhancement: Improved database reports allowing users to specify a Start Date and End Date range.

Enhancement: Added variable support to Authentication panel where appropriate.

Enhancement: Improved date validation components in manager GUI.

Enhancement: Added External File Upload and External File Download event types to monitor outbound and inbound file transfers made using triggers/actions.

Enhancement: Added events to capture administrative actions including Group Deleted, Group Updated, IP Access Rules Updated, Resource Deleted, Resource Updated, User Deleted, User Updated.

Enhancement: Improved formatting in reports.

Enhancement: Added additional metrics to reports including Top External Uploads, Top External Downloads, Top Email Attachments Sent and Top Email Attachments Received.

Enhancement: Changed command channel timeout for FTP services to automatically detect activity on data channel.

Enhancement: Added verbose logging support for all services.

Enhancement: Added automatic login support to Web services using URL parameters.

Enhancement: Added support for optionally redirecting user to a different URL in Web service when clicking Logout button.

Enhancement: Added true regular expression support to File Transfer Script action.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue in Convert File action.

Bug Fix: Fixed timestamp issue encountered when using database logging.

Bug Fix: Fixed memory issue experienced when trying to view large log record sets stored in relational database.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue experience when using multiple JDBC drivers simultaneously.


Release 2.1

December 13, 2006


Enhancement: Added authentication module for authenticating users against relational databases, LDAP or Active Directory services.

Enhancement: Added ability to schedule one-time-only or recurring actions using Current Time event and triggers.

Enhancement: Added ability to store activity logs in a relational database.

Enhancement: Added checkpoint restart and checksum verification to file transfer actions.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify up to three attachments in Send Email action.

Enhancement: Improved GUI screens in triggers section used in obtaining action variables.

Enhancement: Improved API for defining custom actions allowing you to specify the type of GUI components used when accepting input.

Enhancement: Added File Transfer Script action which consists of an easy-to-use file transfer scripting language that may be used in triggers.

Enhancement: Added Check Email action which checks for email against a POP or IMAP account, stores original message to a directory and extracts any attachments from message and stores these to a separate directory.

Enhancement: No longer necessary to specify driver class for JDBC database drivers.

Enhancement: Added debug logging support to network related actions such as Send Email, Ftp File Upload, Sftp File Upload etc.

Bug Fix: Fixed JSCAPE MFT Server Web Client compatibility issues with IE 5.2 and Safari browsers in Mac OS X.



Release 2.0

November 2, 2006


Enhancement: Added support for triggers and over 30 different actions.

Enhancement: Added reporting module to report on log data.

Enhancement: Added ability to add remote FTP resources and map those resources to virtual paths.

Enhancement: Added ability to import existing keys stored in PKCS#12 files.


Release 1.2

August 16, 2006


Enhancement: Added JSCAPE MFT Server Web Client component to accept web based FTP connections.

Enhancement: Added JavaHelp to JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Enhancement: Added service configuration script to be placed in /etc/init.d directory of UNIX environments to assist in auto-starting.

Enhancement: Changed logging format to use W3C for improved reporting capabilities.

Enhancement: Added ability to specify log rotation period.

Enhancement: Changed data serialization method used.

Enhancement: Added keyboard mnemonics to JSCAPE MFT Server Manager.

Enhancement: Updated JSCAPE MFT Server Manager so it is no longer necessary to manually stop server prior to applying changes.


Release 1.1

June 22, 2006


Minor bug fixes


Release 1.0

June 15, 2006


Initial production release.