ICAP settings and violations

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JSCAPE MFT Server may be configured to act as a DLP client that uses an ICAP server to determine whether content violates any DLP rules.



ICAP Server


Host - The hostname or IP address of the ICAP server


Port - The port number of the ICAP service. The default port is 1344


Timeout - The timeout value in seconds


Path - The path of the resource being requested




REQMOD or Request Modification mode - Use this mode if you want JSCAPE MFT Server to send an HTTP request to the ICAP server
RESPMOD or Response Modification mode - Use this mode if you want JSCAPE MFT Server to send an HTTP response to the ICAP client


Headers file - The local path of a file that contains the header fields and corresponding field values.


Debug file - The local path of a file that contains the debug logs for ICAP-related events.





You can use this section to capture any DLP violations found in the ICAP server's response headers or response body. Regular expressions may be employed to match certain strings of text or patterns in the response headers and body that might indicate DLP violations.



Figure 270





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