Emailing trading partners

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Email Partners


The Trading Partners module includes a feature that enables you to send an email to all trading partners in this domain. This can be useful in cases where you would want to notify all partners with a defined email address about something, like a scheduled maintenance, a new feature that they can benefit from, and just about any message that concerns all partners.


To send an email message to all trading partners, go to the Trading Partners module and click the Email Partners button.


Figure 287





You can then specify a Subject and enter the Message.


Figure 288





After you click OK, JSCAPE MFT Server will iterate through all trading partners and send a single email message using the settings defined in Settings > Email > Email, with each recipient in Bcc mode and From address being the same as the From address defined in Settings > Email > Email



Email Specification


This button is only enabled for AS2 trading partners. If clicked, you will be presented with a dialog with the following fields:


To - Defaults to the email address specified for this Trading Partner (See Adding trading partners)


From - This is a read-only field. It defaults to the email address specified in Settings > Email > Message > From.


Subject - Defaults to email.as2.subject in Settings > Email > Resources


Body - Defaults to the contents in email.as2.body in Settings > Email Resources


Files - This field will contain the following attachments provided the said attachments have been generated and used in JSCAPE MFT Server:

primary public encryption key and primary public signature key from Settings > Web > AS2
the certificate used in protecting HTTPS (The trading partner may use this for host validation).



Figure 289





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