Importing a key

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You may import existing server keys and certificates for use in encrypting FTPS, SFTP and HTTPS connections.  To import an existing key/certificate pair navigate to your desired Keys module (See Key management overview).  Select the Server Keys tab and click on the Import > Import Key button. The Import Server Key dialog is displayed.


Figure 50




Key alias -  The local key alias which will be used for storing key in the servers local keystore.  This may be any value of your choice.


Key file - The private key file to import from.


File password - The password protecting the keystore.  Leave blank if none.


Key alias in file - The private key alias in keystore.  Leave blank if none.


Key password - The password protecting the private key.  Leave blank if none.




If you are unsure of the alias for the source keystore this may be obtained as follows:


JKS keystore


From your command line issue the following command in the directory that contains the keystore.


keytool -list -keystore example.jks


Figure 79




This will list one or more entries which each column in the entry delimited by a comma.  The first column in the entry is the key alias.


In the above example the key alias is mykey.


PKCS#12 keystore


From your command line issue the following command in the directory that contains the keystore.


keytool -list -keystore example.pfx -storetype pkcs12


Figure 80




This will list one or more entries which each column in the entry delimited by a comma.  The first column in the entry is the key alias.


In the above example the key alias is mykey.


See also


Generating a key

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