Performing backups of server configuration data

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It is recommended that you perform a regularly scheduled backup of your JSCAPE MFT Server configuration and user files.  This may be performed using the System Configuration Backup action as part of a trigger.


Manual Backup


To perform a manual backup of JSCAPE MFT Server create a ZIP archive of the JSCAPE MFT Server installation directory.  This archive may be used for disaster recovery purposes.


Automatic Backup


1.Using JSCAPE MFT Server Manager create a trigger that uses the Current Time event.  When specifying the Condition use a time expression to set the time(s) of day that you would like the trigger to run.
2.When prompted to select the action, select the System Configuration Backup action and populate the required fields.
3.Click OK and Apply to save the trigger.
4.Select the trigger and click Run to verify that the backup archive is created successfully.  This archive may be used for disaster recovery purposes.



Restoring from an automatic backup


To restore from an automatic backup, just unzip the contents of the .zip archive generated by the 'System Configuration Backup' trigger action into a freshly installed JSCAPE MFT Server  (having the same version as the backup up). You may even unzip the backup over an existing installation that is not working properly. Once the existing files get replaced with the backup files, that installation will then acquire the configurations of the backup.


See also


Backing up server configuration files



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