Receiving OFTP2 messages

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In order to receive OFTP2 messages, these configuration requirements must be met:


1. The OFTP2 service must be enabled.  See Enabling OFTP2.


2. You must create an OFTP trading partner with a Destination ID value that is equal to the incoming InitiatorIdentificationCode header of a partner's incoming OFTP2 message.  See Managing OFTP2 trading partners.  This ensures that the trading partner is a known and trusted connection.  When receiving an OFTP2 message  JSCAPE MFT Server will iterate through available OFTP trading partners to identify a match.  If no matching trading partner is found then the OFTP2 message will be rejected.


3. You must also create a user account whose username matches the OFTP2 identification code of the incoming OFTP2 message.


4. Lastly, you must provide connection parameters for JSCAPE MFT Server to your trading partners.  The parameters needed will vary depending on the OFTP2 vendor software, however a list of available parameters may be found in Sending OFTP2 messages.

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