Running on Java 9 or 10

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JSCAPE MFT Server is now compatible with Java 9 and Java 10.


However, if you installed JSCAPE MFT Server via the command line, you need to add the following lines to the application's server.vmoptions file:






After that, restart the application service.


All GUI installers automatically add these lines if JDK 9 or higher is detected. But for the '.zip', '.rpm' and '.tar.gz' installers, the user should make necessary changes manually.


Note that this options work under JDK 9/10 (as well as JRE 9/10) only. For lower versions of JDK they should be removed. Otherwise, the application won't start.


Note also that Java SE 9 has reached end of support. Oracle recommends that users of Java SE 9 should switch to Java SE 10.

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