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Release 12.1

August 2020


New Features


FTPSERVER-4307 - Added the ability to import, export and promote Users

FTPSERVER-4365 - Added the ability to delete and purge drop zones via trigger action

FTPSERVER-4418 - Added ability to visualize ad-hoc activity

FTPSERVER-4427 - Added Notes field in user account properties

FTPSERVER-4490 - Added context sensitive mouse overs for table data

FTPSERVER-4491 - Updated the add domain wizard to make service definition optional

FTPSERVER-4519 - Added the ability to consume messages from Amazon SQS

FTPSERVER-4553 - Added support for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

FTPSERVER-4554 - Make global network interface dropdowns more intuitive

FTPSERVER-4559 - Added Synchronization support

FTPSERVER-4580 - Added the ability to send emails to Groups

FTPSERVER-4583 - Added the ability to send a file via HTTP/S Post Request

FTPSERVER-4590 - Added minute level granularity to Directory Monitor File Aged event

FTPSERVER-4591 - Added a Trigger function that checks whether a trigger has recently executed

FTPSERVER-4603 - Added a Trigger function to obtain header and body from MIME messages

FTPSERVER-4609 - Added a tooltip for the User search SQL LIKE checkbox

FTPSERVER-4622 - Add the ability create domain level keys

FTPSERVER-4623 - Added the ability to limit local file paths for certain administrative roles

FTPSERVER-4624 - Added the ability to download file directly from AS2 Messages / OFTP Messages modules

FTPSERVER-4625 - Added the ability to restrict Server Statistics view for certain administrative roles

FTPSERVER-4626 - Added the ability to restrict License access for certain administrative roles

FTPSERVER-4635 - Added the ability to limit the number of Users and Trading Partners in a domain

FTPSERVER-4637 - Added the ability to copy an administrative Role

FTPSERVER-4639 - Added the ability to restrict trigger functions and event types

FTPSERVER-4685 - Added Google Drive support

FTPSERVER-4700 - Added applicationInstanceId to activity logs

FTPSERVER-4712 - Added a popup window to confirm a password reset for first time login users

FTPSERVER-4720 - Added a Last Run property to Triggers and Directory Monitors modules

FTPSERVER-4727 - Added the ability to respond to global action success/failure at trigger level

FTPSERVER-4768 - Added support for Core License Type

FTPSERVER-4791 - Added the Local Directory Trading Partner type

FTPSERVER-4792 - Added Agent to Trading Partner list in Trading Partner-related Trigger Actions

FTPSERVER-4805 - Added Agent protocol to Network Storage module

FTPSERVER-4842 - Added the option to preserve the timestamp on files copied with Copy REGEX File action




FTPSERVER-4443 - Improved relationship between "Restrict User Path To" and default path for users created via Template

FTPSERVER-4481 - Hid domains whose HTTP/S service are not enabled from the domain drop down Web UI login screen

FTPSERVER-4618 - Changed the level of scope - From JSCAPE MFT Server (Relaying party) to Identity provider while using OpenID Connect

FTPSERVER-4632 - Renamed OFTP Messages to OFTP2 Messages

FTPSERVER-4633 - Performed a Library Audit and updated libraries where needed

FTPSERVER-4640 - Removed Logging Settings tabs from view if permissions not enabled

FTPSERVER-4648 - Renamed REST trading partner and network storage to JSCAPE REST

FTPSERVER-4650 - Enabled JSCAPE MFT Server to auto-check for presence of strong ciphers during installation and update definitions for Weak, Medium, Strong

FTPSERVER-4736 - Introduced additional options in js-kickuser command line

FTPSERVER-4793 - Changed refresh rate for Domains panel to every 30 seconds

FTPSERVER-4824 - Streamlined Password Reset (Lost Password) flow when user account has "Allow Password Reset" unchecked


Bug Fixes


FTPSERVER-4604 - Fixed misleading validation message for 'Trading Partner name' field under 'PUT /management​/trading-partners​/{domain-name}​/{partner-name} Update/Copy trading partner' API

FTPSERVER-4605 - Fixed an issue in the REST API that displayed 'Error: Unsupported Media Type' error message.

FTPSERVER-4610 - Fixed misleading validation message for 'Key alias/Format' fields under 'GET /management​/keystore​/keys​/server​/{alias}​/export-pub Export server public key' API

FTPSERVER-4611 - Fixed issue where REST API -'GET /management​/keystore​/keys​/server List server keys' API executed with wrong algorithm name

FTPSERVER-4612 - Fixed misleading cookie-related errors

FTPSERVER-4617 - Fixed issue in the REST API that displayed 'Could not render this component, see the console.'

FTPSERVER-4627 - Fixed an issue in the REST API that displayed a key length field value of '-1'

FTPSERVER-4628 - Fixed an issue in the REST API that displayed '406 Error: Not Acceptable' error message

FTPSERVER-4655 - Fixed issue with ToLowerCase and ToUpperCase functions in triggers

FTPSERVER-4657 - Fixed faulty PasswordChanged variable in trigger condition

FTPSERVER-4671 - Fixed defective session timeout

FTPSERVER-4682 - Fixed issue where Triggers module variables disappear after the Apply button is clicked

FTPSERVER-4684 - Fixed inability to generate keys from web user interface when Network Storage is used as the root directory

FTPSERVER-4693 - Fixed several related Web admin bugs

FTPSERVER-4696 - Fixed issue that prevented certain triggers with Account Created, Account Updated, or Account Deleted events from firing

FTPSERVER-4698 - Fixed issue that prevented user creation and editing in web user interface

FTPSERVER-4702 - Fixed issue that prevented HTTPS access to Web UI section if HTTPS used a DSA key

FTPSERVER-4709 - Fixed issue where the web portal password change/reset didn't record all password characters

FTPSERVER-4715 - Fixed issue where AS2 HTTPS would not disable in the administrative Web UI

FTPSERVER-4716 - Fixed issue that prevented the self registration form from honoring regex for username requirement

FTPSERVER-4721 - Fixed issue where WebDAV HTTP/HTTPS would not disable in the administrative Web UI

FTPSERVER-4722 - Fixed issue that prevented Directory Monitor File Added event trigger from returning certain expected variables

FTPSERVER-4746 - Fixed issue where clicking Add Variable in the Authentication module returned 'undefined'

FTPSERVER-4747 - Fixed issue that caused the Add Variable button to be inactive in Settings > Manager Service > Authentication

FTPSERVER-4875 - Fixed issue where Trigger action in Success workflow executed twice if the action failed for any reason.



12.0.x patches


v. 12.0.1

- FTPSERVER-4608: PGP encryption leaves plain text file upon upload with delete permission removed

- FTPSERVER-4615: "SSL/TLS Cipher Suites" selection is not working

- FTPSERVER-4613: Server keys generated in version 12 not usable via web interface


v. 12.0.2

- FTPSERVER-4629: Banned Files feature also rejects non-banned files that are uploaded at the same time as a banned file

- Fixed REST API documentation errors


- FTPSERVER-4636: Role based user unable to see Users even with proper permissions

- FTPSERVER-4638: Unsaved changes dialog displayed when navigating away from Logging module

- FTPSERVER-4642: Generated client keys not populated at 'Add/Edit' user popup dialog under 'Client Keys' section.

- FTPSERVER-4643: Unable to access 'Time Access' module for role based domain even though 'Read/Write' permissions allowed

- FTPSERVER-4645: Trigger condition override not saving correctly

- FTPSERVER-4620: OFTP Messages module visible when AS2 Messages permissions granted

- FTPSERVER-4650: Check for presence of strong ciphers during installation and update definitions for Weak, Medium, Strong


v. 12.0.3

- SQL query actions retry feature

- FTPSERVER-4612: Misleading cookies related errors

- FTPSERVER-4669: Directory listing enabled on web application


v. 12.0.4

- DSA key length > 1024 bits fix

- FTPSERVER-4682: Variables under Triggers module has gone missing

- FTPSERVER-4684: Unable to generate keys from client interface when using Network storage as root directory


v. 12.0.5

- FTPSERVER-4535: Horizontal scroll bar is not available when more than 3 actions in the Start/Finish flow

- FTPSERVER-4686: Error displayed when generating Public Key pair using DSA


v. 12.0.6

- FTPSERVER-4693: Several related Web admin bugs


v. 12.0.7

- FTPSERVER-4690: Have the /management/triggers/{domain-name}/{trigger-name}/run call return the event_id in the response body

- FTPSERVER-4691: A new Management REST API call to retrieve the status of a trigger execution given an event_id

- FTPSERVER-4703: Reset password - password is in clear text

- FTPSERVER-4706: "Sql Query" action errors out with "java.lang.NullPointerException" after upgrading from 11.1/11.2 to 12.0

- FTPSERVER-4712: A popup window on confrimation after reset password for first time login users if the option is enabled in compliance module

- FTPSERVER-4701: Panel in Add/Edit User not maximized to fill entire dialog window

- FTPSERVER-4709: Web portal password change/reset does not record all password characters

- FTPSERVER-4715: AS2 HTTPS not marking as disabled

- FTPSERVER-4721: WebDav HTTP/HTTPS not marking as disabled

- FTPSERVER-4722: Remote directory monitor file add event trigger does not return expected values for variables 1. %LocalPath% 2. %File% when the file is added to sub directory

- FTPSERVER-4723: Nessus scan throws: The following CGIs are not protected by a random token : /LostPassword


v. 12.0.8

- FTPSERVER-4728: Command line utility to set AWS region in Trading Partner and Network Storage objects

- FTPSERVER-4733: Add instructions to actions step of create/edit trigger.


v. 12.0.9

- FTPSERVER-4746: Authentication > Undefined Variables on Add Variable (Database,LDAP and LDAP Query)

- AS2 async MDN failure notification


v. 12.0.10

- FTPSERVER-4747: 'Add variable" button is inactive in Manager Service -> Authentication options


v. 12.0.11

- FTPSERVER-4760: Upload failure when upload form set to Batch mode

- FTPSERVER-4773: Remaining "Current Time" event triggers are queued when they execute at the same time and the previous trigger failed

- FTPSERVER-4774: JSCAPE MFT Server fails to start when a domain is configured with database logging and the database containing the LOG table can't be reached

- FTPSERVER-4790: Multiple active synchronized nodes and issue with writing concurrently to the same domain log file

- FTPSERVER-4800: Null pointer exception > On creating a trigger through REST API without description field returns success. After creating the trigger Login into > Admin Console Navigating to > Triggers return Null pointer exception

- FTPSERVER-4801: SFTP service configured with "password AND publickey" authentication is incompatible with the OpenSSH SFTP command line client


v. 12.0.12

- FTPSERVER-4243: Account added by a domain administrator is not getting synced to the failover server

- FTPSERVER-4821: "Client Port", "Server Port" and "Block Period" fields of "Gateway Block Ip" action will not allow variable


v. 12.0.13

- FTPSERVER-4832: Amazon S3 Network Storage > Not able to view/list more than 1000 files

- FTPSERVER-4848: Cross site scripting vulnerability -CVE-2020-11022


v. 12.0.14

- FTPSERVER-4860: Character length limitation to Directory Name when created from "User Virtual Path ->Real Path->Select Path dialog


v. 12.0.15

- FTPSERVER-4849: "Insufficient Session Expiration" Vulnerability

- FTPSERVER-4886: Admin password change is not propagated to the failover server


v. 12.0.16

- FTPSERVER-4887: Role with Triggers only permission unable to see any data in Triggers module


v. 12.0.17

- socket backlog increased to 128


v. 12.0.18

- Jersey WADL generation feature disabled by default

- SMBJ library update

- database connections thread lock issue


v. 12.0.19

- FTPSERVER-4895: Services - HTTP/S tab - GUI issue on Web Resources


v. 12.0.20

- FTPSERVER-3786: HTML UI is slow to load and slow to scroll down when account has lots of files. Tested with 12K files



Release 12.0

January 3, 2020


New Features


FTPSERVER-4253 - Added the ability to message all Users

FTPSERVER-4254 - Added the ability to message all Trading Partners

FTPSERVER-4344 - Added entries in the domain logs that enable admins to identify when a client key is used during authentication

FTPSERVER-4347 - Added the Drop Zone Created event to Triggers module

FTPSERVER-4353 - Added the option to clear records in the domain database logs when they exceed a specified number of days

FTPSERVER-4359 - Add support for ECDSA key pairs

FTPSERVER-4364 - Simplified exchange of AS2 trading partner credentials

FTPSERVER-4369 - Redesigned the Trigger Action workflow

FTPSERVER-4372 - Added Triggers metric to Dashboard, Domains > Domain, and Domains > Domain > Status

FTPSERVER-4373 - Add ability to clear selected recent triggers

FTPSERVER-4374 - Added Logins metric to Dashboard, Domains > Domain, and Domains > Domain > Status

FTPSERVER-4400 - Added the ability to control drag and drop functionality in the user web interface

FTPSERVER-4407 - Added the ability to differentiate between domain admin users and regular users when a new user is created

FTPSERVER-4421 - Added functionality that prevents disabling of REST ports (Settings Web > Rest )

FTPSERVER-4433 - Added support for Azure Data Lake Gen 1 as Trading Partner and Network Storage

FTPSERVER-4449 - Added support for Subject Alternative Name field when generating keys

FTPSERVER-4450 - Added support for ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521 and key exchange algorithms

FTPSERVER-4505 - Added a synchronization period for custom database in GUI installer

FTPSERVER-4508 - Added support for Move File event

FTPSERVER-4509 - Add support for Copy File event

FTPSERVER-4534 - Improved Form UI

FTPSERVER-4551 - Changed endpoint suffix for MS Azure Storage Trading Partner and Network Storage





FTPSERVER-4127 - Updated the file to include all available properties and additional information to make it easier to use

FTPSERVER-4340 - Updated 'Run trigger in single instance mode' to support skip and queue

FTPSERVER-4341 - Updated the Condition builder in the Triggers module

FTPSERVER-4342 - Added createdDate attribute to objects with version attribute

FTPSERVER-4343 - Added the ability to limit actions to certain trigger actions in Administrative Roles

FTPSERVER-4363 - Minor improvements to AS2 Inbound user interface

FTPSERVER-4368 - Made minor improvement to export search result dialog

FTPSERVER-4411 - Added context sensitive help for Variables and Functions in Trigger actions dialog

FTPSERVER-4414 - Added context sensitive help to Add/Edit Virtual Path for variables and functions

FTPSERVER-4432 - Added Transfer rate property to AFTP connections



Bug Fixes


FTPSERVER-4181 - Fixed date issue for the messages received through AS2 protocol

FTPSERVER-4358 - Amended Date Range criteria in Logging module to restrict inputs

FTPSERVER-4387 - Fixed issue that caused upgrades to 11.2.1 to produce a DB upgrade error

FTPSERVER-4393 - Fixed issue where setting 'Logging > Syslog' to a hostname that couldn't be resolved resulted in a startup failure

FTPSERVER-4485 - Fixed issue where domain_trigger_state SQL update statement is slow in MS SQLServer

FTPSERVER-4577 - Unobfuscated the *PublicKeyCodec classes under com.jscape.util.keystore to aid in the imports of OpenSSH, Putty, etc public keys via the Java Management API


11.2.x patches


v. 11.2.1

- FTPSERVER-4375: Domains very slow to load when using database logging

- FTPSERVER-4376: Issues on Domain -> Status

- FTPSERVER-4378: SSL/TLS ciphers selection is not in effect


v. 11.2.2

- FTPSERVER-3397: Domain Administration Template

- FTPSERVER-4385: Binding the HTTP/S service (Settings > Web > Web) to a used port or to a non-existent IP address results in a startup failure

- FTPSERVER-4387: Upgrading to 11.2.1 produces DB upgrade error

- FTPSERVER-4386: As2 Trading Partner encryption algorithm always defaults to AES128-CBC


v. 11.2.3

- FTPSERVER-4393: Startup failure when "Logging > Syslog" is set to a hostname that can't be resolved

- FTPSERVER-4406: User is able to login to User web interface though the Domain stopped


v. 11.2.4

- FTPSERVER-4392: Error log generated when installing production build

- FTPSERVER-4405: Expire after X days on the User template is not carried over on the Web Portal

- FTPSERVER-4409: Load Testing - DB Connections remain open for some time



v. 11.2.5

- FTPSERVER-4401: Domain admin unable to change users passwords

- FTPSERVER-4419: Account Owner changes if another Admin modifies the account

- FTPSERVER-4420: Domain administrator can't change passwords for owned users if their account has "Allow Password Change" disabled

- FTPSERVER-4424: Buttons are not displayed properly on the Clients web interface

- FTPSERVER-4431: Manual failover sync ("Synchronize State" button) does not take into account the state of the "Start domain/services after synchronization" option

- FTPSERVER-4436: Java Management API examples are not working


v. 11.2.6

- FTPSERVER-4444: Decrypting .PGP/.GPG file using PGP Decrypt trigger action adding .pln extenstion to the decrypted file


v. 11.2.7

- FTPSERVER-4455: Thread deadlock causing JSCAPE MFT Server to hang


v. 11.2.8

- FTPSERVER-4464: Logs from "Copy Regex file" shows the file has been "moved" instead of a "copy"

- FTPSERVER-4465: ManagerSubsystem.updateAdministrator() method is not working in v11.2


v. 11.2.9

- FTPSERVER-4191: Update to Directory Monitors to handle HA environment

- FTPSERVER-4473: Disabling the Syslog service results in an "Internal server error!" error


v. 11.2.10

- FTPSERVER-4475: "There is no internet connection" error at exactly 30mins on long uploads done via a dropzone

- FTPSERVER-4478: Add latency support to Trading Partner Regex File Download


v. 11.2.11

- FTPSERVER-4480: "External File Download" fired during downloads that failed checksum


v. 11.2.12

- FTPSERVER-4485: domain_trigger_state SQL update statement is slow in MS SQLServer


v. 11.2.13

- FTPSERVER-4512: TradingPartnerRegexFileDownloadAction for an SMB TP fails with "directory must end with '/'" exception for SMB1 server (Windows 2003)


v. 11.2.14

- FTPSERVER-4526: SMB trading partner test does not do an actual authentication check


v. 11.2.15

- FTPSERVER-4533: Trigger stuck in running state cannot be cleared


v. 11.2.16

- FTPSERVER-4439: 'Monitor recursively' check box gets unchecked at 'Edit Directory Monitors' mode.


v. 11.2.17

- FTPSERVER-4544: Ability to disable storing of trigger state information

- FTPSERVER-4545: Filename is changed when receiving As2 message with polish characters

- FTPSERVER-4546: 'Create DB' using Oracle fails with error "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis"

- FTPSERVER-4548: 'Use trading partner' field in Directory Monitor module not populating


v. 11.2.18

- FTPSERVER-4561: Last Login Date not being updated

- FTPSERVER-4562: "Require password reset on first time login" loop

- FTPSERVER-4563: ManagerSubsystem.keys().getClientPublicKeys() method returns empty

- FTPSERVER-4181: Date issue for the messages received through AS2 protocol

- FTPSERVER-4577: Unobfuscate the *PublicKeyCodec classes under com.jscape.util.keystore to aid in the imports of OpenSSH, Putty, etc public keys via the Java Management API


v. 11.2.19

- FTPSERVER-4584: Unable to access subdirectories in S3 when directory does not already exist

- FTPSERVER-4581: Unable to upload large files to S3 bucket

- FTPSERVER-4587: 'Cannot upload file: I/O error.' error message displayed when trying to upload 1 GB file using 'Drop Box' network storage mapped user.



Release 11.2






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