Adding services

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A service is an IP/Host, Port and Protocol combination that accepts client FTP/S, SFTP, HTTP/S or WebDAV requests.  To view existing services click on the "Services" node for the desired domain.  A list of services for the domain are displayed.


Figure 9




Type - The type of service.  Available types are FTP/S, SFTP (FTP over SSH), HTTP/S and WebDAV/S


Host - The IP address that this service will listen on.


Port - The port that this service will listen on.


Details - Any additional details for this service.


Service types


FTP regular - Accepts standard unencrypted FTP connections.


FTP explicit SSL - Accepts both standard unencrypted FTP connections and encrypted explicit SSL connections using AUTH TLS or AUTH SSL client commands.


FTP forced explicit SSL - Accepts only encrypted explicit SSL connections using AUTH TLS or AUTH SSL client commands.


FTP implicit SSL - Accepts only encrypted implicit SSL connections.


SFTP/SCP - Accepts encrypted SFTP (FTP over SSH) connections and SCP (Secure Copy)


HTTP - Accepts HTTP and/or encrypted HTTPS connections.


WebDAV - Accepts WebDAV connections.


Add service


Figure 10




Service type - The type of service.  Available types are FTP, AFTP, SFTP/SCP (FTP over SSH), HTTP and WebDAV.


Host - The IP address that this service will listen on.


Port - The port that this service will listen on.


Type - The protocol(s) that this service will accept connections for. (FTP)


Private key - The private encryption key that this server will use for encrypted SSL/SSH communications. (FTP/SFTP)





 Upon creating a new service you must click the "Apply" button for changes to take effect.  Domain will be restarted in order to apply changes.



Edit service

Figure 11




Host - The IP address that this service will listen on.


Port - The port that this service will listen on.


Type - The protocol that this access point will accept connections for. (FTP)


Private key - The private encryption key that this server will use for encrypted SSL/SSH communications (FTP/SFTP)




 Upon editing a service you must click the Apply button for changes to take effect.



Delete service


To delete a service select the service you wish to delete and click the "Delete" button.