Enabling AS2

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AS2 runs over HTTP/S.  In order to enable AS2 you must first enable the HTTP/S service(s) in JSCAPE MFT Server.  See Enabling web based file transfers.  To enable AS2 go to Server > Settings > Web > AS2 panel in JSCAPE MFT Server Manager, check the "Enable AS2" option and set the required parameters.


Figure 165




Enable AS2 - Check to enable receipt of AS2 messages.




Decryption key - This is the private key that will be used to decrypt AS2 messages.  This key is sourced from the Server Keys panel in Key Manager.


Receipt signing key - This is the private key that will be used to sign MDN receipts.  This key is sourced from the Server Keys panel in Key Manager.


Receipt signature algorithm - This is the message signing algorithm used when sending MDN receipts.


Encryption required - If checked all incoming AS2 messages must be encrypted.


Signature required - If checked all incoming AS2 messages must be signed.


Allow messages without filename - If checked incoming AS2 messages may optionally have a filename attribute.  If no filename attribute is provided a unique timestamp based filename will be automatically generated.  If unchecked AS2 messages must have a filename attribute.


Overwrite existing files when found - If checked and file already exists with matching filename attribute then file will be overwritten.  If unchecked and file already exists AS2 message will be rejected.


Upload directory - The directory relative to users root directory where AS2 message data will be stored.


Receipt text - Additional information to include in AS2 receipts.