Storing account details in a database

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To use the database datastore option you must first create the database on your database server. Example database schema for MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle are provided in the files etc/mysql.sql, etc/mssql.sql and etc/oracle.sql respectively.  Libraries for JDBC drivers must be placed in the libs/jdbc directory of your JSCAPE MFT Server installation, the JSCAPE MFT Server Service restarted and the JDBC driver class registered in Server > Settings > JDBC in order for the database to be accessible to JSCAPE MFT Server.  


Once this is complete you go to the Datastore node and set the Store data to option to database.


Figure 14





JDBC URL - The JDBC URL used to connect to the database.


Username - The username to connect with when authenticating with JDBC database.


Password - The password to connect with when authenticating with JDBC database.


Pool - The maximum number of connections in database pool.


Pool timeout - The maximum amount of time in minutes that the database connection can live in the pool without activity.


Test Parameters - Tests database connection using the specified JDBC settings.


See also


Setting user datastore

JDBC settings