Generating a key

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To generate a client key open the Key Manager by selecting the Server > Key Manager... option from the main menu.  The Key Manager will be displayed.


Figure 195




Step 1


Select the Client Keys tab and click on the Generate button. The Generate Client Key dialog is displayed.


Figure 66





Key alias - Alias you wish to assign to the key.


Key algorithm - The algorithm used in generating this key.  Valid options are RSA and DSA.


Key length - The length of the key in bytes.  Valid options are 1024 and 2048.


Validity - The number of days this key is valid.


Common name - The name you wish to assign this key.  For a client key this is typically the full name of the user e.g. John Smith.


Organizational unit - The unit within the users organization that this key will be used for e.g. IT.


Organization - The users organization name.


Locality - The users city.


State/Province - The users state or province.


Country - The users 2 character country code e.g. US.



Step 2


Export private key.  Exported file may be imported by FTPS and SFTP clients for optional use in client authentication.


Figure 68





Key file - The file you wish to export private key to.


Password - The password used to protect private key.  Leave blank for no password.


Format - The format in which you wish to export private key.