Creating an HTML email message

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You may create an HTML message using the HtmlEmailMessage class.  An HTML message consists of both HTML and plain-text parts.  The HTML part is what will be displayed to mail clients that are capable of displaying HTML messages and have this option enabled.  The plain-text part is what will be displayed to mail clients that are not capable of displaying HTML or have the option to display HTML messages disabled.




String text = "This is the text part";

String html = "<b>This is the HTML part</b>";


// create new HtmlEmailMessage instance and set To, From and Subject headers

HtmlEmailMessage message = new HtmlEmailMessage();



message.setSubject("Sample HTML message");


// set text part



// set HTML part



As shown above creating an HTML message is very similar to creating a regular email message using the EmailMessage class.  As with the EmailMessage class you may send this message using the Smtp class.


See also


EmailMessage class overview

Smtp class overview




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