Getting the headers from an article

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You can get the headers from an article using the NntpArticle#getHeaders method.  This will return a java.util.Enumeration of com.jscape.inet.mime.MimeHeader.  The NntpArticle class is a subclass of NntpArticleHeader which is a subclass of com.jscape.inet.mime.MimeMessage thus exposing any methods found in this class.  Convenience methods for retrieving common headers such as Subject, From, Date etc. are available from the NntpArticle class.




// get article by id

NntpArticle article = nntp.getArticle(12897);


// get headers for article

Enumeration headers = article.getHeaders();


// print out header name and value

while(headers.hasMoreElements()) {

 MimeHeader head = (MimeHeader)headers.nextElement();

 System.out.println(head.getName() + ": " + head.getValue());        





// get article

NntpArticle article = nntp.getArticle(first);


// print out subject header value

System.out.println("Subject: " + article.getSubject());






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