Getting the message headers

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You may get all headers for a message using the MimeMessage#getHeaders method.  This will return a java.util.Enumeration of MimeHeader.  To retrieve a named header you may use the MimeMessage#getHeader method passing in the header name as a String argument.  This will return the first matching MimeHeader or null if a matching header is not found.  See the JavaDoc on the MimeMessage and MimeHeader classes for more information.




The MimeMessage#getHeaders method will only return the top-level headers for the MIME message.  Any headers found in parts of the message will not be returned.  You will need to access these parts separately to return their headers.




// get all headers

Enumeration headers = msg.getHeaders();


while(headers.hasMoreElements()) {

 MimeHeader h = (MimeHeader)headers.nextElement();







// get Content-Type header

MimeHeader ct = msg.getHeader("Content-Type");


if(ct != null) {



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