Establishing a connection |
To establish a connection create a com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters instance providing hostname, username and password arguments. Using this constructor you will authenticate with the server using username/password authentication. In addition to username/password authentication the Scp class also supports public key authentication. Using the newly created SshParameters instance as an argument to the constructor, construct a new com.jscape.inet.scp.Scp instance and invoke the Scp#connect method.
import com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.*; import com.jscape.inet.scp.*;
// create a new SshParameters instance with authentication info SshParameters sshParams(hostanme,username,password);
// create a new Scp instance Scp scp = new Scp(sshParams);
// establish a connection scp.connect();
See also Public key authentication