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You can download a file to an FTP server using GetInputStream method.




// create new Ftp instance

Ftp ftp = new Ftp(hostname,username,password,port);        


// establish connection



// get the InputStream from the data connection

Stream inputStream = ftp.GetInputStream( "C:\\file.txt", 0 );

// create the file

Stream outputStream = File.Create( "C:\\file.txt" );


// an array of bytes

byte[] buffer = new byte[ 8192 ];

// the total number of bytes read into the buffer

int read = 0;


// reads a sequence of bytes from the current file

while( ( read = inputStream.Read( buffer, 0, buffer.Length ) ) != 0 ) {

 // writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream

 outputStream.Write( buffer, 0, read );



// closes the current streams




// disconnect





[Visual Basic]

' create new Ftp instance

Dim ftp As Ftp = New Ftp(hostname, username, password, port)


' establish connection



' get the InputStream from the data connection

Dim inputStream As Stream = ftp.GetInputStream("C:\file.txt", 0)

' create the file

Dim outputStream As Stream = System.IO.File.Create("C:\file.txt")


' an array of bytes

Dim buffer() As Byte = New Byte(8192) {}

' the total number of bytes read into the buffer

Dim read As Integer = 0



While True

 ' reads a sequence of bytes from the current file

 read = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)

 If read <> 0 Then

         ' writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream

         outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, read)


         Exit While

 End If

End While


' closes the current streams




' disconnect
