Executing a script

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A TelnetScript will begin execution as soon as a connection is established with the telnet server and option negotiation has completed. Therefore, it is necessary in most cases that your TelnetScript be created and all tasks added before the Telnet.Connect method is invoked.



This example demonstrates how to automatically login to a telnet server, execute a command and logout. Some assumptions have been made about the start and end prompts in the example below. Your system prompts will likely differ although the fundamental process would be the same.



// Create telnet instance

Telnet telnet = new Telnet("");


// Create a TelnetScript

TelnetScript script = new TelnetScript(telnet);


// Create script tasks

TelnetTask login = new TelnetTask("login:", "username", "Password:");

TelnetTask password = new TelnetTask("Password:", "password", "$");

TelnetTask dir = new TelnetTask("$", "ls -al", "$");


// Subscribe to task started event

script.TaskStartedEvent += new TelnetScript.TaskStartedEventHandler(OnTaskStarted);

// Subscribe to task ended event

script.TaskEndedEvent += new TelnetScript.TaskEndedEventHandler(OnTaskEnded);

// Subscribe to task failed event

script.TaskFailedEvent += new TelnetScript.TaskFailedEventHandler(OnTaskFailed);


// Add tasks to script instance





// Connect to telnet server, automatically executing the script




[Visual Basic]

Private WithEvents myTelnet As Telnet


Private user As String

Private pass As String


' Create telnet instance

myTelnet = New Telnet("")


' Create TelnetScript script instance by passing in telnet instance

Dim script As TelnetScript = New TelnetScript(myTelnet)


Dim login As TelnetTask = New TelnetTask("login:", user, "Password:")

Dim pwd As TelnetTask = New TelnetTask("Password:", pass, "$")

Dim dir As TelnetTask = New TelnetTask("$", "ls -al", "$")





' Connect to telnet server, automatically executing the script




See also


Option Negotiation


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