Auto starting in Linux and Solaris 9 environments

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For Linux environments you may have MFT Monitor start up automatically during system start-up by creating a service configuration file for MFT Monitor and placing it in your /etc/init.d directory.  This same configuration file will be used for gracefully stopping MFT Monitor when shutting down the system.  A sample service configuration file, monitor, has been placed in the init.d directory of your MFT Monitor installation.


Installing the service configuration file


1.  As root user, copy the monitor sample service configuration file to your /etc/init.d directory.


2.  Grant execute permissions to this file using the command:


chmod 755 monitor 


3.  Using a text editor, change the value of the INSTALL_DIR variable to the absolute path of your MFT Monitor installation directory.  The default value for the INSTALL_DIR variable is /opt/mft_monitor which is consistent with Linux RPM installations.  Your installation directory may vary.


4.  Set this script to be executed automatically upon system start-up using the following command(s):




/sbin/chkconfig --add monitor


Solaris 9


ln /etc/init.d/monitor /etc/rc3.d/Sxxmonitor


ln /etc/init.d/monitor /etc/rc0.d/Kxxmonitor 






If you are running under Ubuntu environment then the chkconfig command is not available.  Instead you must run the following command as root user from /etc/init.d directory.


update-rc.d monitor defaults



Starting the service


From the /etc/init.d directory and as root user run the command ./monitor start to start the service.

Stopping the service


From the /etc/init.d directory and as root user run the command ./monitor stop to stop the service.


Restarting the service


From the /etc/init.d directory and as root user run the command ./monitor restart to restart the service.


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