Installing on Solaris

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ZIP Console Installation


1.  Place the file in a directory on the destination server.


2.  Install. Run the following command from the directory containing the ZIP file you placed on your server:




3. Configure and initialize the database.  Go to the /opt/mft_monitor directory and run the following commands:


./database -configure


./database -init


4. Configure Administration Service.  Go to the /opt/mft_monitor directory and run the following command:


./add-administrator -username [username] -password [password] -email [email] 


For example:


./add-administrator -username admin -password secret -email 


This will configure your MFT Monitor instance, where [username] [password] are the credentials you will use when managing the server.


5.  Start the MFT Monitor service.  From the MFT Monitor installation directory run the following command:




The MFT Monitor service should now be running.  To connect to this service and manage your server see the topics below.


See also


Launching web interface


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