Adding a WebDAV/S service

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Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning or WebDAV is a protocol that enables users to share, copy, move, and edit files through a web browser. WebDAVS is the secure version of this protocol that takes advantage of the security features of SSL/TLS. WebDAV/S runs over HTTP/S and is available in the Enterprise Edition of JSCAPE MFT Server.


Since WebDAV/S runs over HTTP/S you need to enable the HTTP/S service first. To do this, follow Step 1 of the instructions outlined in the page Enabling web based file transfers. Once HTTP/S is enabled, you can then proceed to add a WebDAV/S service.


To add a WebDAV/S service, navigate to the Services module of a domain and click the Add button.



Figure 303







When the Service Protocol dialog appears, expand the Protocol drop-down list and select WebDAV/S. After that, click OK.



Figure 315




That should bring up the Add WebDAV/S Service dialog. Select HTTP and/or HTTPS.


Check HTTP only if you just want your service to run over HTTP. A WebDAV service running over HTTP is not protected by SSL/TLS.
Check HTTPS only if you just want your service to run over HTTPS. A WebDAV service running over HTTPS (a.k.a. WebDAVS) is protected by SSL/TLS.
Check both HTTP and HTTPS if you want users to connect using either WebDAV or WebDAVS.


Click OK to proceed.



Figure 316





The newly added WebDAV/S service should then be added to the Services tab.


Figure 317








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