Enabling email transfers

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Email transfers may be enabled in the Settings > Email panel.  For a user to be able to perform ad-hoc email transfers,


1.The Enable email service option must be enabled in the Settings > Email > Email panel;
2.The Enable ad-hoc email transfers option must be enabled in the Settings > Email > Ad-Hoc File Transfer panel; and
3.The Enable ad-hoc email transfers option must be enabled for the specified user account in the domain level.


Figure 91







Enable email service - Enables email


Email Server


Host/IP - The hostname or IP of the SMTP server.


Port - The port of the SMTP server.


Connection type - The type of connection to use.  PLAIN indicates a plain-text SMTP session.  SSL and START-TLS are encrypted SMTP sessions.  Consult your SMTP server documentation for details on what connection types are supported.


Username - Optional username to use if SMTP server requires authentication.


Password - Optional password to use if SMTP server requires authentication.


Debug file - Optional debug file for use in debugging SMTP server problems.




From - Optional From address used when sending emails.


Reply To - Optional Reply-To address used when sending emails.  This may be overridden by user when performing ad-hoc email transfers.




Encrypt with PGP key - Optional encryption key for use in OpenPGP encrypting outbound email messages.


Sign with PGP key - Optional signing key for use in OpenPGP signing outbound email messages.



Figure 147






Ad-Hoc Email File Transfer Settings


Enable ad-hoc email transfer - Check to enable email transfers.




Link expiration range - The minimum and maximum values that will be displayed to user for setting email link expiration.


Max downloads default - If maximum downloads are enabled then this is the default value supplied in web interface.


Enable password protection - Check to password protect email links.


Datastore Settings - Specify how ad hoc email transfer records are stored.


Allowed Recipients


Allow recipients listed as public contacts - Email addresses for public contacts created in Contacts module will be automatically allowed.


Allow recipients in specified TLD -  Email addresses which belong to specified TLD (top level domains) will be allowed.



See also


Adding users

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