Installing on Mac OS X

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To install JSCAPE MFT Server on a Windows platform perform the following:


1.  Download and run the install.dmg installation file for JSCAPE MFT Server.  Click Next to continue.


Figure 181




2.  Read and accept license agreement.  Click Next to continue.


Figure 182




3.  Select installation directory.  Click Next to continue.



Figure 183




4.  Configure datastore where server configuration data will be located.


Embedded database - If this option is chosen, server configuration data will be stored locally in the embedded H2 database located in [JSCAPE MFT Server installation directory]/data


Custom database - If this option is chosen, server configuration data will be stored in an external ANSI-compliant relational database like MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL


Database URL - the URL of the relational database (e.g. jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jscapeconfig)
Database username - the name of an existing user account that has sufficient permissions for that database
Database password - the corresponding password of that user account
Synchronization period - Specifies how often GUI data is synchronized with the database. This is normally needed when you have two (2) or more instances of JSCAPE MFT Server connecting to a shared global datastore and you want to specify how often the configuration data on those servers are synchronized.


Figure 226




5.  Configure management/REST services and administrative credentials.


Figure 185




Management host/IP - The IP address that management service should listen on.  The IP address is a special address that instructs service to listen on all available network interfaces.


Management port - The port that management service should listen on.  Default port is 10880.


REST HTTP host/IP - The IP address that REST web service should listen on.   The IP address is a special address that instructs service to listen on all available network interfaces.


REST HTTP port - The port that REST web service should listen on.  Default port is 11880.


Username - Administrative username for managing services.


Password - Administrative password for managing services.


6.  Set allocated application memory.  Minimum allocated memory is 1024 with recommended value of 2048MB or more for servers under heavy load.


Figure 186




7.  Launch JSCAPE MFT Server Manager to configure your server.


Figure 187





8.  Start the JSCAPE MFT Server Service.  Service will start automatically following installation.  If service is not started then you may start it manually as root user using the ./ command from a terminal shell prompt.


In order to have service start automatically upon system reboot edit the /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jscape.MFTServer.plist file and set the value for the OnDemand parameter to false.


9.  Verify that JSCAPE MFT Server Service is running using the following commands from your shell prompt:


netstat -a | grep 10880

netstat -a | grep 11880


where 10880 is the listening port for JSCAPE MFT Server Service, and 11880 is listening port for REST web service.



See also


Server configuration > Launching the administrative client



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