Installing on AIX

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ZIP Console Installation


To install using the ZIP file perform the following steps as a user with root privileges.


1.  Place the file in a directory on the destination server.


2.  Install. Run the following command from the directory containing the ZIP file you placed on your server:




3. Configure and initialize database. Go to the JSCAPE MFT Server installation directory, located in the JSCAPE_MFT_Server directory relative to where the unzip command was executed, and run the following commands:


./js-database-configuration -configure


./js-database-configuration -init


4.  Add an administrative user.  Go to the JSCAPE MFT Server installation directory, located in the JSCAPE_MFT_Server directory relative to where the unzip command was executed, and run the following command:


./js-addadmin -db -username [username] -password [password] -sa


For example


./js-addadmin -db -username admin -password secret -sa


5.  Configure Administration Service.  Go to the /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Server directory and run the following command:


./js-server-configuration -host [ip address] -port [port] -timeout [timeout in seconds]


For example:


./js-server-configuration -host -port 10880 -timeout 60


This will configure your JSCAPE MFT Server Service , where [ip address] and [port] are the IP/port that you want the JSCAPE MFT Server Service to listen on, and [timeout in seconds] is the timeout value for this service.  The defaults port for JSCAPE MFT Server Service  is 10880.


Note, the IP address is a special address that instructs the service to listen on all available network interfaces.


AIX systems are typically configured to run the IBM JVM, therefore it is necessary to make some changes to various configuration files in order to instruct the JVM on what security provider and encryption algorithm to use for starting up the JSCAPE MFT Server Service.


See Running under IBM JVM for complete details and instructions.



6.  Configure the Web/REST settings. Go to the JSCAPE MFT Server installation directory, located in the JSCAPE_MFT_Server directory relative to where the unzip command was executed, and run the following command:


./js-web-configuration -host [REST ip address] -port [REST port] -timeout [timeout in minutes]



For example:


./js-web-configuration -host -port 11880 -timeout 10


This service is what you will connect to using the JSCAPE MFT Server Manager to manage your server.



7. Configure the credentials used when invoking command line utilities. Go to the /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Server directory and run the following command:


./js-client-configuration -host [host] -port [port] -timeout [timeout in seconds] -user [username] -password [password]



Make sure the user and password parameters match the username and password that were used earlier in the js-addadmin command.


For example:


./js-client-configuration -host -port 10880 -timeout 60 -user admin -password secret



8.  Startup JSCAPE MFT Server Service.  From the JSCAPE MFT Server installation directory run the following command:




The JSCAPE MFT Server Service should now be running.  To connect to this service and manage your server see the following topics:



Server configuration > Launching the administrative client


Auto-starting in UNIX environments


If you intend to run JSCAPE MFT Server on Java 9 or Java 10 read Running on Java 9 or 10

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