Viewing administrative logs

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Administrative logs are stored separately from user log data and are used to track all administrative logins and changes to configuration data.


Figure 196







Date - The date/time the action occurred.


Application Instance ID - The application instance ID that handled the request. This ID uniquely identifies a particular JSCAPE MFT Server instance and can help administrators distinguish between nodes in a multi-node HA cluster. If this JSCAPE MFT Server instance is not part of a HA cluster, then this value will always be the Application Instance ID of this instance.


Client Host - The client IP address of the administrator.


Client Port - The client port of the administrator.


User - The user login of the administrator.


Domain - The domain affected by this change.


Action - The action that occurred.


Description - A description of the action that occurred.


Purge - Performs a purge of all administrative records.


Export - Exports all administrative records to a CSV file.




Clear records older than N days - If enabled log records older than N days will be automatically purged from database.




Enable syslog - When ticked, JSCAPE MFT Server sends administrative logs to a syslog service


Host - The IP address of syslog daemon.


Port - The port of syslog daemon.


Facility - The syslog facility to use.


Process name - Process name tag to apply to all log messages sent to syslog daemon

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