Google example using OpenID Connect

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OpenID Connect Example (Google Identity Platform)


The example provided below is for connecting with the Google Identity Platform.  Sensitive information has been masked in the figure below.


Figure 396





Authorization URL - The URL used for signing into the identity provider.


Token verification URL - The URL for verifying tokens.


Client ID - Your client ID for connecting with identity provider.


Client secret - Your client secret for connecting with identity provider.


Create user if not found using role - This allows for Admins to be created automatically upon successful authentication.  If selected, an Admin will be created automatically (if it does not exist already) using the specified role. The Name and Login properties for the account created will automatically be set to the openid.identity attribute value.


Convert username before creation to - If enabled, the username supplied will be converted to specified case before passing username to specified role..


Allow non SSO logins - If enabled, an Admin may login using either SSO or other authentication service.


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