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getCharacterSet() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Gets the character set
getCharacterSet() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshSession
Gets the character set
getCharacterSet() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets the character set
getClientAuthentication() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns client authentication operation.
getCommand() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets the command to execute
getCommandTerminator() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshSession
Gets terminator used when sending data to SSH server.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns connection timeout in milliseconds.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclient.IpClient
Gets the timeout used when opening a server connection.
getData() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshDataReceivedEvent
Gets data received from the Ssh server.
getDataChar() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshDataReceivedEvent
getDebug() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Gets whether debugging is enabled.
getDebug() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshSession
Checks if debugging is enabled.
getDebug() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Checks whether debugging is enabled for this task.
getDebugStream() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Gets PrintStream used in reporting debug statements.
getDebugStream() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshSession
Gets PrintStream used in outputting debug information.
getDebugStream() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets debug stream used when printing debug messages.
getEcho() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Returns echo flag.
getEcho() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshSession
Returns echo flag.
getEndPrompt() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets the end shell prompt this SshTask should wait for to indicate that this SshTask is complete.
getEndPromptTimeout() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets the maximum timeout between the time the task is in running state and the expected end prompt is received.
getError() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
getException() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTaskFailedEvent
Gets the exception that caused the SshTask to fail.
getHost() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshConnectedEvent
Gets host of SSH server.
getHost() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshDisconnectedEvent
Gets host of SSH server.
getHostKeys() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclientssh.IpClientSsh
Returns SSH host keys for further use.
getHostKeys() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Returns SSH host keys for further use.
getHostKeyVerifier() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns current host key verifier.
getHostname() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclient.IpClientConnectedEvent
Gets hostname of server
getHostname() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclient.IpClientDisconnectedEvent
Gets server hostname.
getHostname() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Return server hostname.
getHostname() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns a server host.
getHosts() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshHostKeys
use hosts()
getInputStream() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclient.IpClient
Gets InputStream from socket connection established with server.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Returns connection input stream.
getKeyPair() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns user key pair.
getKeys(InetAddress) - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshHostKeys
use entriesOf()
getKnownKeys() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.HostKeyFingerprintVerifier
Returns allowed host keys.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Returns local socket address.
getLogLevel() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Returns current log level.
getName() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets name of this SshTask as defined in constructor.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclient.IpClient
Gets OutputStream from socket connection established with server.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Returns connection output stream.
getPassword() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns an user password.
getPollingInterval() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshSession
Gets the polling interval used when checking for completion of commands sent using send or sendWait methods.
getPort() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclient.IpClientConnectedEvent
Gets port of server
getPort() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclient.IpClientDisconnectedEvent
Gets server port.
getPort() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Return server port.
getPort() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshConnectedEvent
Gets port of SSH server.
getPort() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshDisconnectedEvent
Gets port of SSH server.
getPort() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns a server port.
getProxyHost() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Gets proxy hostname.
getProxyPassword() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Gets the proxy authentication password.
getProxyPort() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Gets the proxy port.
getProxyType() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Gets the proxy type: SOCKS5, HTTP.
getProxyUserId() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
use getProxyUsername()
getProxyUsername() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns a proxy username.
getPublicKeyAlgorithm() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
getReadingTimeout() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns reading timeout in milliseconds.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclient.IpClient
Gets the timeout used when reading responses from server.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Returns current read timeout value.
getRegexMatchLength() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshSession
Gets the number of characters to read from the end of the response buffer when using regular expressions to detect start or end prompts.
getRegexMatchLength() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets the number of characters to read from the end of the response buffer when using regular expressions to detect start or end prompts.
getRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Returns remote socket address.
getResponse() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets response to command executed.
getShellPrompt() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshSession
Gets shell prompt to wait for before sending commands.
getSocket() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclient.IpClient
Gets Socket established after invoking the IpClient#connect method.
getSocket() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ipclientssh.IpClientSsh
Gets Socket established after invoking the IpClient#connect method.
getSocketTrafficClass() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Get socket traffic class
getSsh() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshSession
Gets underlying Ssh instance.
getSshHostname() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
use getHostname()
getSshPassword() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
use getPassword()
getSshPort() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
use getPort()
getSshUsername() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
use getUsername()
getStartPrompt() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets the shell prompt this SshTask should wait for before executing command.
getStartPromptTimeout() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets the maximum timeout between the time the task is in active state and the expected start prompt is received.
getStatus() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets completion status of this SshTask.
getStatusString(int) - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets status string based on task status
getTask(String) - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshScript
Gets the named SshTask based on the name attribute of a SshTask.
getTask() - Method in exception com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTaskTimeoutException
Gets the SshTask that timed out
getTcpNoDelay() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Get TCP no delay.
getTerminalType() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Sets the terminal type.
getTerminator() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshTask
Gets line terminator used when sending commands.
getTimeout() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh
Gets the timeout for opening connection to SSH server.
getUsername() - Method in class com.jscape.inet.ssh.util.SshParameters
Returns an username.
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