Registering event handlers

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The Sftp class may publish one or more events during the lifetime of an Sftp session. Any object that subscribes to events published by the Sftp class can receive and process these events.


Capturing the SftpConnectedEvent event


The SftpConnectedEvent is published by the Sftp instance once a connection has been established with the SSH server.






// create login credentials

SshParameters sshParams = new SshParameters(hostname,username,password);


// create new Sftp instance

Sftp sftp = new Sftp(sshParams);


// subscribe to event

sftp.SftpConnectedEvent += new Sftp.SftpConnectedEventHandler(OnConnected);


// define SftpConnectedEvent handler

public void OnConnected(object sender, SftpConnectedEventArgs e) {

 Console.WriteLine("Connected to host {0}",e.Hostname);






' create login credentials

Dim sshParams As SshParameters = New SshParameters(hostname, username, password)


' subscribe to event

Dim sftp As Sftp = New Sftp(sshParams)


' subscribe to event

sftp.SftpConnectedEvent += New Sftp.SftpConnectedEventHandler(OnConnected)


' define SftpConnectedEvent handler

Public Sub OnConnected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SftpConnectedEventArgs)

Console.WriteLine("Connected to host {0}", e.Hostname)

End Sub



Capturing the SftpDisconnectedEvent event


The SftpDisconnectedEvent is published by the Sftp instance once the connection with the SSH server has been released.






// create login credentials

SshParameters sshParams = new SshParameters(hostname,username,password);


// create new Sftp instance

Sftp sftp = new Sftp(sshParams);


// subscribe to event

sftp.SftpDisconnectedEvent += new Sftp.SftpDisconnectedEventHandler(OnDisconnected);


// define SftpDisconnectedEvent handler

public void OnDisconnected(object sender, SftpDisconnectedEventArgs e) {

 Console.WriteLine("Disconnected from host {0}",e.Hostname);





' create login credentials

Dim sshParams As SshParameters = New SshParameters(hostname, username, password)


' create new Sftp instance

Dim sftp As Sftp = New Sftp(sshParams)


' subscribe to event

sftp.SftpDisconnectedEvent += New Sftp.SftpDisconnectedEventHandler(OnDisconnected)


' define SftpDisconnectedEvent handler

Public Sub OnDisconnected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SftpDisconnectedEventArgs)

Console.WriteLine("Disconnected from host {0}", e.Hostname)

End Sub




Capturing the SftpDownloadEvent event


The SftpDownloadEvent is published by the Sftp instance after a file is sucessfully downloaded from the server.






// create login credentials

SshParameters sshParams = new SshParameters(hostname,username,password);


// create new Sftp instance

Sftp sftp = new Sftp(sshParams);


// subscribe to event

sftp.SftpDownloadEvent += new Sftp.SftpDownloadEventHandler(OnDownload);


// define SftpDownloadEvent handler

public void OnDownload(object sender, SftpDownloadEventArgs e) {

 Console.WriteLine("Downloaded file {0}", e.File);






' create login credentials

Dim sshParams As SshParameters = New SshParameters(hostname, username, password)


' create new Sftp instance

Dim sftp As Sftp = New Sftp(sshParams)


' subscribe to event

sftp.SftpDownloadEvent += New Sftp.SftpDownloadEventHandler(OnDownload)


' define SftpDownloadEvent handler

Public Sub OnDownload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SftpDownloadEventArgs)

Console.WriteLine("Downloaded file {0}", e.File)

End Sub



Capturing the SftpListingEvent event


The SftpListingEvent is published by the Sftp instance after a directory listing is performed.






// create login credentials

SshParameters sshParams = new SshParameters(hostname,username,password);


// create new Sftp instance

Sftp sftp = new Sftp(sshParams);


// subscribe to event

sftp.SftpListingEvent += new Sftp.SftpListingEventHandler(OnListing);


// define SftpListingEvent listing handler

public void OnListing(object sender, SftpListingEventArgs e) {

 Console.WriteLine("Listing retrieved");

 IEnumerator files = e.Files;

 while(files.MoveNext()) {

         Jscape.Sftp.Packets.FileInfo file =                        (Jscape.Sftp.Packets.FileInfo)files.Current;







' create login credentials

Dim sshParams As SshParameters = New SshParameters(hostname, username, password)


' create new Sftp instance

Dim sftp As Sftp = New Sftp(sshParams)


' subscribe to event

sftp.SftpListingEvent += New Sftp.SftpListingEventHandler(OnListing)


' define SftpListingEvent handler

Public Sub OnListing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SftpListingEventArgs)

Console.WriteLine("Listing retrieved")

Dim files As IEnumerator = e.Files

While files.MoveNext

  Dim file As Jscape.Sftp.Packets.FileInfo = CType(files.Current, Jscape.Sftp.Packets.FileInfo)


End While

End Sub


Capturing the SftpProgressEvent event


The SftpProgressEvent is published by the Sftp instance periodically duing the upload/download of files.






// create login credentials

SshParameters sshParams = new SshParameters(hostname,username,password);


// create new Sftp instance

Sftp sftp = new Sftp(sshParams);


// subscribe to event

sftp.SftpProgressEvent += new Sftp.SftpProgressEventHandler(OnProgress);



// define SftpProgressEvent handler

public void OnProgress(object sender, SftpProgressEventArgs e) {

 Console.WriteLine("Progress {0} of {1} bytes",e.Bytes,e.TotalBytes);





' create login credentials

Dim sshParams As SshParameters = New SshParameters(hostname, username, password)


' create new Sftp instance

Dim sftp As Sftp = New Sftp(sshParams)


' subscribe to event

sftp.SftpProgressEvent += New Sftp.SftpProgressEventHandler(OnProgress)


' define SftpProgressEvent handler

Public Sub OnProgress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SftpProgressEventArgs)

Console.WriteLine("Progress {0} of {1} bytes", e.Bytes, e.TotalBytes)

End Sub


Capturing the SftpUploadEvent event


The SftpUploadEvent is published by the Sftp instance after a file is sucessfully uploaded to the server.






// create login credentials

SshParameters sshParams = new SshParameters(hostname,username,password);


// create new Sftp instance

Sftp sftp = new Sftp(sshParams);


// subscribe to event

sftp.SftpUploadEvent += new Sftp.SftpUploadEventHandler(OnUpload);


// define SftpUploadEvent handler

public void OnUpload(object sender, SftpUploadEventArgs e) {

 Console.WriteLine("Uploaded file {0}",e.File);





' create login credentials

Dim sshParams As SshParameters = New SshParameters(hostname, username, password)


' create new Sftp instance

Dim sftp As Sftp = New Sftp(sshParams)


' subscribe to event

sftp.SftpUploadEvent += New Sftp.SftpUploadEventHandler(OnUpload)


' define SftpUploadEvent handler

Public Sub OnUpload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SftpUploadEventArgs)

Console.WriteLine("Uploaded file {0}", e.File)

End Sub