Validating host keys |
When connecting to an SSH server using the Ssh class you may define that your login credentials only be submitted to hosts that provide a host key with a recognized fingerprint. This prevents the possibility of a man in the middle attack. You may specify what host keys are allowed using a SshHostKeys instance and the SshParameters.HostKeys property.
// create new SshParameters instance
SshParameters params = new SshParameters(hostname, port, username, password);
// create new SshHostKeys instance
SshHostKeys keys = new SshHostKeys();
// add valid hostname and fingerprint to host keys
keys.AddKey(Dns.GetHostByName(hostname), "72:65:72:6b:aa:4c:34:21:6f:e8:e7:45:ca:d6:ae:1a");
// require that host provide specified fingerprint, not allowing unknown keys to be added
sshParams.SetHostKeys(keys, false);
// create a new Ssh instance
Ssh ssh = new Ssh(params);
// establish connection
// gets updated host keys (if updated)
keys = ssh.HostKeys;
// print all hosts and keys
IEnumerator iHosts = keys.GetHosts();
while (iHosts.MoveNext())
DictionaryEntry entry = (DictionaryEntry)iHosts.Current;
IPHostEntry host = (IPHostEntry)entry.Key;
ArrayList keysForHost = (ArrayList)entry.Value;
Console.Out.WriteLine("Host: {0}", host.HostName);
IEnumerator listEnum = keysForHost.GetEnumerator();
while (listEnum.MoveNext())
See also