Installing on Linux/UNIX

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RPM Console Installation for JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer


Note: Several Linux distributions exhibit slow response as a result of the newly introduced FIPS TLS library. To prevent this issue, please install haveged before installing JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer


To install using the RPM file perform the following steps as a user with root privileges.


1.  Place the synchronizer_install_xxx.rpm file in a directory on the destination server, where xxx will vary depending on the version of JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer you are installing (e.g. synchronizer_install_1_0_121.rpm)


2.  Install. Run the following command from the directory containing the RPM file you placed on your server:


rpm -iv synchronizer_install_xxx.rpm


3. Configure and initialize database.  Go to the /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer directory and run the following commands.


./database -configure


./database -init


4.  Add an administrative user.  Go to the /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer directory and run the following command.


./add-administrator -username [username] -password [password] -email [valid email address of this admin account]


For example


./add-administrator -username admin -password secret -email


5. Configure the administrative Web/REST settings.  In the same /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer directory, and run the following command:


./web-configuration -host [REST ip address] -port [REST port] -timeout [timeout in minutes]


For example:


./web-configuration -host -port 40881 -timeout 60


This service is what you will connect to using the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Manager to manage your server.


6. Startup Administration Service.  From the /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer directory run the following command:




The JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer service should now be running.  To connect to this service and manage your server see Launching the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Manager



RPM Console Installation for JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent


1. Place the synchronizer_agent_install_xxx.rpm file in a directory on the destination server, where xxx will vary depending on the version of JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer you are installing (e.g. synchronizer_install_1_0_121.rpm)


2. Install. Run the following command from the directory containing the RPM file you placed on your server:


rpm -iv synchronizer_agent_install_xxx.rpm


3. Add agents and enable agent service on JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer.  See Adding agents and Enabling agent service for details.


4. Set agent connection settings. From the /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer_Agent directory run the following command:


./agent-configuration -host [ip] -port [port] -user [username] -password [password] -rootPath [root path] -nativeProcess [allowed | disallowed]


For example:


./agent-configuration -host -port 40025 -user admin -password secret -rootPath /path/to/sync/ -nativeProcess disallowed


This will configure JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent, where:


host - This is the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer IP address of the Agent Service (see Enabling agent service). Note, if you used the special address of when configuring the Agent Service, you must use an actual reachable IP address for this value instead of as the address is only valid for listening purposes.


port - This is the port number the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent Service is listening on. The default value is 40025.


username - The username to use for accessing the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer. This should be a valid and existing login username on your JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer instance. See Adding agents for details.


password - The password corresponding to that agent username.


root path - The root path at which the synchronization will take effect.


allowed | disallowed - An option indicating whether to allow or disallow JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent to run native commands on this host as part of a synchronization process. (See Commands)


5. Startup JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent Service.  From the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent installation directory run the following command:




ZIP Console Installation


Note: Several Linux distributions exhibit slow response as a result of the newly introduced FIPS TLS library. To prevent this issue, please install haveged before installing JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer


1.  Place the file in a directory on the destination server, where xxx will vary depending on the version of JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer you are installing (e.g. synchronizer_install_1_0_121.rpm)
Normally, you would place the zip file in the /opt directory, so that the installation directory will be extracted inside it and will consequently have the path /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer


2.  Install. Run the following command from the directory containing the zip file you placed on your server:




3. Configure and initialize database.  Go to the JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer directory and run the following commands.


./database -configure


./database -init


4.  Add an administrative user.  Go to the JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer directory and run the following command.


./add-administrator -username [username] -password [password] -email [valid email address of this admin account]


For example


./add-administrator -username admin -password secret -email


5. Configure the administrative Web/REST settings.  In the same JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer directory, and run the following command:


./web-configuration -host [REST ip address] -port [REST port] -timeout [timeout in minutes]


For example:


./web-configuration -host -port 40881 -timeout 60


This service is what you will connect to using the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Manager to manage your server.


6.  Startup Administration Service.  From the /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer directory run the following command:




The JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer service should now be running.  To connect to this service and manage your server see Launching the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Manager



ZIP Console Installation for JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent


1. Place the file in a directory on the destination server, where xxx will vary depending on the version of JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer you are installing (e.g.
Normally, you would place the zip file in the /opt directory, so that the installation directory will be extracted inside it and will consequently have the path /opt/JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer_Agent


2. Install. Run the following command from the directory containing the zip file you placed on your server:




3. Add agents and enable agent service on JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer.  See Adding agents and Enabling agent service for details.


4. Set agent connection settings. From the JSCAPE_MFT_Synchronizer_Agent directory run the following command:


./agent-configuration -host [ip] -port [port] -user [username] -password [password] -rootPath [root path] -nativeProcess [allowed | disallowed]


For example:


./agent-configuration -host -port 40025 -user admin -password secret -rootPath /path/to/sync/ -nativeProcess disallowed


This will configure JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent, where:


host - This is the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer IP address of the Agent Service (see Enabling agent service). Note, if you used the special address of when configuring the Agent Service, you must use an actual reachable IP address for this value instead of as the address is only valid for listening purposes.


port - This is the port number the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent Service is listening on. The default value is 40025.


username - The username to use for accessing the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer. This should be a valid and existing login username on your JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer instance. See Adding agents for details.


password - The password corresponding to that agent username.


root path - The root path at which the synchronization will take effect.


allowed | disallowed - An option indicating whether to allow or disallow JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent to run native commands on this host as part of a synchronization process. (See Commands)


5. Startup JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent Service.  From the JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer Agent installation directory run the following command:


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