Configuring a centralized global datastore

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In order to set up high availability JSCAPE MFT Server clusters, all nodes in the cluster must have exactly the same server configurations. In a default installation of JSCAPE MFT Server, server configuration data is stored in a built-in H2 database that serves as the server's global datastore. This database can't be used for high availability purposes.


What you'll need is an external relational database management system (RDBMS) like MySQL, MS SQL Server, or Oracle that will serve as a shared or centralized global datastore to all nodes in the HA cluster. That way, any changes made to the server configuration of one JSCAPE MFT Server instance will be automatically applied to all other nodes in the cluster  


In this section, we've outlined the steps for configuring a centralized global datastore using the RDBMSes mentioned above.


Note: If what you want is to migrate the server configuration data of an existing  JSCAPE MFT Server installation from its built-in H2 database to an external RDBMS read Migrating existing data to a centralized global datastore.


1. Create an empty database in the external RDBMS that will hold the server configuration data and create a user account there that has the correct permissions for the said database. You will use this account to connect to this database from JSCAPE MFT Server. Don't create any tables on this database. Instructions for creating the necessary tables are discussed in Step 6 below.


2. Install JSCAPE MFT Server as you normally would.


oInstructions for installing on Windows
oInstructions for installing on Linux
oInstructions for installing on Linux Z/OS
oInstructions for installing on Solaris
oInstructions for installing on AIX
oInstructions for installing on Mac OS X


3. Login to the Web-based administrative UI.


4. Navigate to Settings > Datastore


5. Enter the JDBC URL of your external relational database. For example, for a MySQL database named jscapeconfig hosted on a machine with IP address, the jdbc URL would be jdbc:mysql:// The JDBC URL varies from one RDBMS to another, so please check your RDMBS documentation for more information. Also enter the username and password of the database user account created in Step 1. Make sure that account has the necessary privileges/access rights.


6. Click the "Create DB" button. This will populate the database with the tables needed for storing the MFT Server configurations. You may also click the Test Parameters button to test whether everything is alright.


7. If everything proceeds smoothly, click on the Apply button. After doing this, you should be ejected from the Web UI and would have to log back in.




You would have then completed the steps for configuring a centralized global datastore.



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