Establishes connection with remote server.
Disconnects from remote server.
exec "<command> "
Executes command on local machine.
valid command to be interpreted by the local operating system.
exec "dir c:\tmp > c:\tmp\dirout.txt"
msg "<message> "
Sends message to current debugging stream. By default the console is the current debug stream and debugging is enabled.
msg "connecting to server"
prompt <variablename> "<prompt>"
Prompts user to enter a value to be read from the command line and stores this value in the variable name used in the first argument. The value stored in this variable is then available for use later in the script.
prompt username "Enter username: "
promptmask <variablename> "<prompt>"
Prompts user to enter a value to be read from the command line and stores this value in the variable name used in the first argument. The value stored in this variable is then available for use later in the script. Value entered is masked with an asterisk.
promptmask password "Enter password: "
set <variablename> <value>
Creates a user defined variable for use within a script.
A variable name used to reference the variable. Must begin with a letter, and may be followed by 0 or more letters or digits.
The value the variable name represents. Valid values include boolean values of true or false, any valid integer or any quoted string.
set myNumberVariable 12
set myBooleanVariable true
set myStringVariable "testing 1.2.3"
Variables created may later be referenced using the ${<variablename>} notation.
set myNumberVariable 12
msg "value of myNumberVariable is: {myNumberVariable}"
send "<command>"
Sends command to server and waits for shell prompt to be returned by server.
Any valid command to be interpreted by the server.
send "ls -al"
sendnowait "<command> "
Sends command to server. Does not wait for shell prompt to be returned by server.
Any valid command to be interpreted by the server.
sendnowait "exit"
sendwait "<command>" "<prompt>"
Sends command to server and waits for specified prompt to be returned by server.
Any valid command to be interpreted by the server.
The shell prompt to be returned by the server after command is executed.
sendwait "export PS1=\"$\"" "$"
set debug <boolean>
Specifies whether debugging is enabled or disabled. By default debugging is enabled and all debugging information is sent to the console.
true, false
set debug false
set hostname "<hostname>"
Specifies the hostname of the remote server.
a valid quoted hostname or IP address
set hostname ""
set logfile "<file>"
Specifies the path of the log file to write debug data to. By default all output is sent to the console.
a valid relative or absolute file path on local machine
set logfile "c:\tmp\log.txt"
set loginprompt "<prompt>"
Specifies the login prompt displayed when trying to login to a Telnet server.
The telnet server login prompt
set loginprompt "#"
set password "<password>"
Specifies the password to use when logging into the remote server.
a valid quoted password for specified username on remote server
set password "secret"
set passwordprompt "<prompt>"
Specifies the password prompt displayed when trying to login to a Telnet server.
The Telnet server password prompt.
set passwordprompt "Password:"
set port <port>
Specifies the port of the remote server. The default ports for Telnet and SSH protocols are 23 and 22 respectively.
A valid integer between 1-65535
set port 2023
set privatekey "<file>"
Specifies the path of private key file to use when authenticating with SSH server. Valid for use in SSH protocol only.
a valid relative or absolute file path on local machine
set privatekey "c:\ssh\keys\id_dsa"
set secure <boolean>
Specifies that the secure SSH protocol be used. Telnet protocol is used by default. Requires that SSH version 2.0 or above be installed on remote server.
true, false
set secure true
set shellprompt "<prompt>"
Sets the shell prompt displayed by server after successful login. Default shell prompt value is "$"
The servers shell prompt.
set shellprompt "#"
set tasktimeout <seconds>
Sets the maximum timeout for expected prompt to be returned when sending a command. If timeout is exceeded script will abort. Default value is 120 seconds.
the maximum number of seconds to wait
set tasktimeout 30
set timeout <seconds>
Sets the maximum timeout used when establishing a connection. If timeout is exceeded script will abort. Default value is 120 seconds.
the maximum number of seconds to wait
set timeout 30
set username "<username>"
Specifies the username to use when logging into the remote server.
a valid quoted username for remote server
set username "jsmith"
wait <seconds>
Pauses execution of script for specified number of seconds.
the number of seconds to wait
wait 5