Adding an account

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To add an account, navigate to the Accounts module and click the Add button.



Figure 55





Select an access protocol for the target host.



Figure 56






When the Add ... Account dialog appears, specify the account parameters. These parameters may vary depending on the access protocol used.


Click the link below that corresponds to the account you wish to add.


Adding an AFTP account

Adding an AFTPS account

Adding an Agent account

Adding an Amazon S3 account

Adding a Box account

Adding a Dropbox account

Adding an FTP account

Adding an FTPS account

Adding an FTP Implicit SSL account

Adding a Google Cloud Storage account

Adding an HTTP account

Adding an HTTPS account

Adding an IBM Cloud account

Adding a Microsoft Azure File Storage account

Adding an SFTP account



AFTP account


Figure 73





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Host - The hostname or IP address of the remote AFTP service this account is supposed to connect to


Port - The port number of the remote AFTP service this account is supposed to connect to. Leave the value as is (3000) if you wish to use the default port number


Timeout - The timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection to the AFTP service


Username - The username for connecting to this remote AFTP service


Password - The password for connecting to this remote AFTP service


Transfer bit rate - The preferred transfer speed in Kbit/s


Enable congestion control - If ticked, enables congestion control. If congestion control is enabled, transfer will begin at specified upload or download rate and adjust as needed for congestion.  If disabled, then congestion control will not be used and the specified upload or download rate will be used.


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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AFTPS account



Figure 74





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Host - The hostname or IP address of the remote AFTPS service this account is supposed to connect to


Port - The port number of the remote AFTPS service this account is supposed to connect to. Leave the value as is (3000) if you wish to use the default port number.


Timeout - The timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection to the AFTPS service


SSL Key - Tick this checkbox to select an existing key for SSL/TLS protection. DO NOT use the sample key (example_rsa) in a production environment. Instead, generate a new key (Generate button) or import a key (Import button)


Enable server SSL certificate verification - If ticked, verifies the SSL/TLS digital certificate of the remote AFTPS server.


Username - The username for connecting to this remote AFTPS service


Password - The password for connecting to this remote AFTPS service


Transfer bit rate - The preferred transfer speed in Kbit/s


Enable congestion control - If ticked, enables congestion control. If congestion control is enabled, transfer will begin at specified upload or download rate and adjust as needed for congestion.  If disabled, then congestion control will not be used and the specified upload or download rate will be used.


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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Agent account



Figure 80





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Agent - Select an existing agent from the drop down list. See Agents Overview


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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Amazon S3 account



Figure 75





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Timeout - The timeout in seconds for establishing a connection to the Amazon S3 service


Access key - The access key or access key ID you wish to use to authenticate with the Amazon S3 service


Secret key - The secret key or secret access key you wish to use to authenticate with the Amazon S3 service


Region - The region on which the Amazon S3 bucket you wish to connect to is hosted on


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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Box account



Figure 84




Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Credentials file - Obtain the required credentials file from Box and place it in the /var/credentials subdirectory of your JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer installation directory. You can then get to that folder by clicking the button with the ellipsis shown in Figure 84.


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account



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Dropbox account


Figure 76





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Access token - An access token associated with your account in Dropbox itself


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account




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FTP account



Figure 77





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Host - The hostname or IP address of the remote FTP service this account is supposed to connect to


Port - The port number of the remote FTP service this account is supposed to connect to. Leave the value as is (21) if you wish to use the default port number.


Timeout - The timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection to the FTP service


Username - The username for connecting to this remote FTP service


Password - The password for connecting to this remote FTP service


Passive mode - Tick this checkbox to use Passive Mode FTP


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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FTPS account



Figure 78





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Host - The hostname or IP address of the remote FTPS service this account is supposed to connect to


Port - The port number of the remote FTPS service this account is supposed to connect to. Leave the value as is (21) if you wish to use the default port number.


Timeout - The timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection to the FTPS service


SSL Key - Tick this checkbox to select an existing key for SSL/TLS protection. DO NOT use the sample key (example_rsa) in a production environment. Instead, generate a new key (Generate button) or import a key (Import button)


Enable server SSL certificate verification -  If ticked, verifies the SSL/TLS digital certificate of the remote FTPS server.


Username - The username for connecting to this remote FTPS service


Password - The password for connecting to this remote FTPS service


Passive mode - Tick this checkbox to enable Passive Mode FTPS


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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FTP Implicit SSL account



Figure 79





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Host - The hostname or IP address of the remote FTP Implicit SSL service this account is supposed to connect to


Port - The port number of the remote FTP Implicit SSL service this account is supposed to connect to. Leave the value as is (990) if you wish to use the default port number.


Timeout - The timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection to the FTP Implicit SSL service


SSL Key - Tick this checkbox to select an existing key for SSL/TLS protection. DO NOT use the sample key (example_rsa) in a production environment. Instead, generate a new key (Generate button) or import a key (Import button)


Enable server SSL certificate verification -  If ticked, verifies the SSL/TLS digital certificate of the remote FTPS (Implicit SSL) server.


Username - The username for connecting to this remote FTP Implicit SSL service


Password - The password for connecting to this remote FTP Implicit SSL service


Passive mode - Tick this checkbox to enable Passive Mode FTP Implicit SSL


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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Google Cloud Storage account



Figure 83





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Credentials file - Obtain the required credentials file from Google Cloud Storage and place it in the /var/credentials subdirectory of your JSCAPE MFT Synchronizer installation directory. You can then get to that folder by clicking the button with the ellipsis shown in Figure 83.


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account



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HTTP account



Figure 81





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Host - The hostname or IP address of the remote HTTP service this account is supposed to connect to


Port - The port number of the remote HTTP service this account is supposed to connect to. Leave the value as is (80) if you wish to use the default port number.


Timeout - The timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection to the HTTP service


Domain - The name of the (JSCAPE MFT Server) domain on which this remote HTTP service belongs


Username - The username for connecting to this remote HTTP service


Password - The password for connecting to this remote HTTP service


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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HTTPS account



Figure 82





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Host - The hostname or IP address of the remote HTTPS service this account is supposed to connect to


Port - The port number of the remote HTTPS service this account is supposed to connect to. Leave the value as is (443) if you wish to use the default port number.


Timeout - The timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection to the HTTPS service


SSL Key - Tick this checkbox to select an existing key for SSL/TLS protection. DO NOT use the sample key (example_rsa) in a production environment. Instead, generate a new key (Generate button) or import a key (Import button)


Enable server SSL certificate verification -  If ticked, verifies the SSL/TLS digital certificate of the remote HTTPS server.


Domain - The name of the (JSCAPE MFT Server) domain on which this remote HTTPS service belongs


Username - The username for connecting to this remote HTTPS service


Password - The password for connecting to this remote HTTPS service


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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IBM Cloud account


Figure 85





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Timeout - The timeout in seconds for establishing a connection to the Amazon S3 service


Access key - The access key or access key ID you wish to use to authenticate with the IBM Cloud service


Secret key - The secret key or secret access key you wish to use to authenticate with the IBM Cloud service


Endpoint - The URL of the IBM Cloud endpoint you wish to connect to


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account



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Microsoft Azure File Storage account


Figure 84





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Account name - The name of your Azure Storage Account


Account key - An access key associated with this Azure Storage Account


Enable SSL - If ticked, and the 'Secure transfer required' toggle switch in you Azure Storage account is enabled, transfers will be carried out through a secure connection


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account



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SFTP account



Figure 57





Name - The name you wish to assign to this account


Host - The hostname or IP address of the remote SFTP service this account is supposed to connect to


Port - The port number of the remote SFTP service this account is supposed to connect to. Leave the value as is (22) if you wish to use the default port number.


Timeout - The timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection to the SFTP service


Enable server key verification -  If ticked, verifies the server key of the remote SFTP server.


Username - The username for connecting to this remote SFTP service


Password - The password for connecting to this remote SFTP service


Key - Tick this checkbox to select an existing key for data-in-motion encryption. DO NOT use the sample key (example_rsa) in a production environment. Instead, generate a new key (Generate button) or import a key (Import button)


Test - Click this button to test the connection


Add - Click this button to add this account


Cancel - Click this button to cancel the creation of this account


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